Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework: Application to Hazard Mitigation Planning

An IRPF Case Study
Revision Date

In 2019, CISA partnered with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Division of Emergency Management and the Green River Area Development District (GRADD), a regional planning and development organization, to demonstrate use of the Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF) during an update to GRADD’s local Hazard Mitigation Plan. GRADD applied select IRPF guidance and resources to improve engagement with private sector infrastructure stakeholders, consider infrastructure dependencies, develop mitigation strategies, and identify infrastructure projects with eligibility for FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities funding. In addition, GRADD’s use of the IRPF led to an increased understanding of infrastructure dependencies among local officials, enhanced infrastructure system data, and a rationale for working regionally to address critical infrastructure risk and build community resilience.