Artificial Intelligence
CISA’s Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence
CISA has developed a Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence, which is a whole-of-agency plan aligned with national AI strategy, to address our efforts to: promote the beneficial uses of AI to enhance cybersecurity capabilities, ensure AI systems are protected from cyber-based threats, and deter the malicious use of AI capabilities to threaten the critical infrastructure Americans rely on every day.
CISA will implement the Roadmap through five lines of effort:

CISA will use AI-enabled software tools to strengthen cyber defense and support its critical infrastructure mission. CISA’s adoption of AI will ensure responsible, ethical, and safe use—consistent with the Constitution and all applicable laws and policies, including those addressing federal procurement, privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.

CISA will assess and assist secure by design, AI-based software adoption across a diverse array of stakeholders, including federal civilian government agencies; private sector companies; and state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments through the development of best practices and guidance for secure and resilient AI software development and implementation.

CISA will assess and recommend mitigation of AI threats facing our nation’s critical infrastructure in partnership with other government agencies and industry partners that develop, test, and evaluate AI tools.

CISA will contribute to DHS-led and interagency processes on AI-enabled software. This LOE includes developing policy approaches for the U.S. government’s overall national strategy on AI and supporting a whole-of-DHS approach on AI-based-software policy issues. This LOE also includes coordinating with international partners to advance global AI security best practices and principles.

CISA will continue to educate our workforce on AI software systems and techniques, and the agency will continue to actively recruit interns, fellows, and future employees with AI expertise. CISA will ensure that internal training reflects—and new recruits understand—the legal, ethical, and policy aspects of AI-based software systems in addition to the technical aspects.
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Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Cyber Tabletop Exercise
On June 13, 2024, CISA conducted the federal government's inaugural tabletop exercise with the private sector focused on effective and coordinated responses to artificial intelligence security incidents.

CISA's Roadmap for AI
CISA's whole-of-agency plan to: promote the beneficial uses of AI to enhance cybersecurity capabilities, ensure AI systems are protected from cyber-based threats, and deter the malicious use of AI capabilities to threaten critical infrastructure.
AI Publications and Use Cases

CISA and Joint-Seal AI Publications
View key publications and guidance that tie to CISA’s AI mission.

Partner AI Publications
View key publications from our partners at DHS, across the federal government, and internationally.

CISA AI Use Cases
See how CISA is using AI responsibly to improve its services and cybersecurity on several fronts, while maintaining privacy and civil liberties.
Improving AI Resilience

Secure by Design
It's time to build cybersecurity into the design and manufacture of technology products. Find out here what it means to be secure by design.

Open Source Software Security
Open source software is part of the foundation of the digital infrastructure we all rely upon. Find out here how CISA is working to help secure it.

Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals
A common set of protections that all critical infrastructure entities - from large to small - should implement to meaningfully reduce the likelihood and impact of known risks and adversary techniques.

AI Red Teaming: Applying Software TEVV for AI Evaluations
Discover how AI red teaming fits into proven software evaluation frameworks to enhance safety and security.

With Open Source Artificial Intelligence, Don’t Forget the Lessons of Open Source Software
CISA highlights its recent work in Open Source Artificial Intelligence.

Software Must Be Secure by Design, and Artificial Intelligence Is No Exception
Like any software system, AI must be Secure by Design. Manufacturers of AI systems must prioritize security throughout the whole lifecycle of the product.