ChemLock Information Collection 1670-NEW

The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) requires federal agencies to take specific actions before requiring or requesting information from the public. This includes posting notices informing the public about new programs and policies and seeking comments from the public through information collection requests (ICR), which are published in the Federal Register. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) manages this requirement and grants approval for requests of information.

These are the Federal Register notices and ICRs regarding the ChemLock Information Collection 1670-NEW.

  • 60-Day Notice (89 FR 107154) to solicit comments for OMB Information Collection 1670-NEW (ChemLock). This new ICR consolidates and clarifies information collected in support of ChemLock and would allow CISA to collect additional information for future services. Published on December 31, 2024.