ICS Advisory

PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. LaserWash, Laser Jet and ProTouch

Last Revised
Alert Code

CVSS v3 9.4

ATTENTION: Remotely exploitable/low skill level to exploit. Public exploits are available

Vendor: PDQ Manufacturing, Inc.

Equipment: LaserWash, Laser Jet and ProTouch

Vulnerabilities: Improper Authentication, Missing Encryption of Sensitive Data


The following versions of LaserWash, Laser Jet, and ProTouch, in-bay automatic car wash systems are affected:

  • LaserWash G5 and G5 S Series all versions,
  • LaserWash M5, all versions,
  • LaserWash 360 and 360 Plus, all versions,
  • LaserWash AutoXpress and AutoExpress Plus, all versions,
  • LaserJet, all versions,
  • ProTouch Tandem, all versions,
  • ProTouch ICON, all versions, and
  • ProTouch AutoGloss, all versions.


Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow a remote attacker to gain unauthorized access to the affected system and to issue unexpected commands to impact the intended operation of the system.


PDQ Manufacturing, Inc. (“PDQ”) has validated the vulnerabilities and is developing product fixes for the affected systems. In the interim, PDQ. has identified compensating controls to limit the exploitability of the affected systems.

PDQ recommends that users apply the following controls:

  • Always make sure any PDQ equipment is not accessible from the Internet; it should be behind a secure firewall.
  • Whenever a machine or router is received and installed, always change the default password from the factory settings to a new password unique to the machine. If an existing site is still using the factory default passwords on a machine or router, immediately change the default password to a new, unique, strong password.
  • Always set up the system network (router or Wi-Fi) with its security features enabled such that they require a username and password to be able to access the machine network.
  • Do not set up the site router with “port forwarding” enabled. This can effectively expose the system to the Internet and may permit an unauthorized person to reach the machine login screen.
  • Do not share passwords or write them down in an accessible place where unauthorized users may find them.

NCCIC/ICS-CERT recommends that users take defensive measures to minimize the risk of exploitation of these vulnerabilities. Specifically, users should:

  • Minimize network exposure for all control system devices and/or systems, and ensure that they are not accessible from the Internet.
  • Locate control system networks and remote devices behind firewalls, and isolate them from the business network.
  • When remote access is required, use secure methods, such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), recognizing that VPNs may have vulnerabilities and should be updated to the most current version available. Also recognize that VPN is only as secure as the connected devices.

ICS-CERT reminds organizations to perform proper impact analysis and risk assessment prior to deploying defensive measures.

ICS-CERT also provides a section for control systems security recommended practices on the ICS-CERT web page. Several recommended practices are available for reading and download, including Improving Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity with Defense-in-Depth Strategies.

Additional mitigation guidance and recommended practices are publicly available in the ICS‑CERT Technical Information Paper, ICS-TIP-12-146-01B--Targeted Cyber Intrusion Detection and Mitigation Strategies, that is available for download from the ICS-CERT web site.

Organizations observing any suspected malicious activity should follow their established internal procedures and report their findings to ICS-CERT for tracking and correlation against other incidents.


Affected web-server does not properly verify that provided authentication information is correct.

CVE-2017-9630 has been assigned to this vulnerability. A CVSS v3 base score of 9.4 has been assigned; the CVSS vector string is (AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:H/A:H).

Username and password are transmitted insecurely.

CVE-2017-9632 has been assigned to this vulnerability. A CVSS v3 base score of 7.5 has been assigned; the CVSS vector string is (AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N).


Billy Rios and Jonathan Butts of WhiteScope and independent security researcher Terry McCorkle reported the vulnerabilities. 


Critical Infrastructure Sector(s): Commercial Facilities

Countries/Areas Deployed: Worldwide

Company Headquarters Location: De Pere, Wisconsin 

This product is provided subject to this Notification and this Privacy & Use policy.


  • PDQ Manufacturing, Inc.