Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative
No one entity can secure cyberspace alone.
In our globally interconnected world, evolving cyber threats pose significant risks to critical infrastructure and daily life. To address these challenges, CISA established JCDC—the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative—to unify cyber defense capabilities from government, industry and international organizations. JCDC reduces cyber risk by facilitating the:
- Synchronization of National Cyber Incident Management & Campaigns. JCDC leads the development and execution of operational processes and playbooks with federal, industry, and international partners to ensure unified understanding of cyber threat activity and response to incidents.
- Exchange of Unique Threat and Vulnerability Information. Analysts from partner organizations engage in rapid bilateral and multilateral threat information sharing, technical and analytic exchanges, and dissemination of timely tippers to strengthen cyber defenses.
- Creation of World-Class Cybersecurity Guidance. JCDC fuses the best insight, analysis, and expertise from global government and industry partners into multi-sealed advisories that result in top-shelf, major cybersecurity publications.
- Execution of Plans that Counter Adversaries and Reduce Risk. JCDC unifies relevant partners into structured collaboration efforts to address shared security objectives.

Insights Into Action
JCDC’s public-private operating model transforms insights into action. By unifying operational efforts across government, industry and international partners, JCDC enhances national cyber defense.

JCDC Plans & Resources
JCDC reduces cyber risk by unifying public and private defense. Through deliberate planning and rapid execution, JCDC synchronizes national cyber incident management, enables real-time threat information sharing, and strengthens resilience across critical infrastructure.