Archived Event
This event period has closed. The content on this page is meant for reference or informational purposes only. To view upcoming events, visit our Events page.Be Prepared! Cyber Incident Response Planning for Emergency Communications
Cyber threats are one of the greatest operational risks to emergency communications systems as they can directly inhibit first responders from providing life-saving services. However, many organizations are not prepared to deal with cyber incidents. The SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS) found that 49% of public safety organizations indicated a cybersecurity disruption or breach has affected their ability to communicate; yet only 27% incorporate incident response plans, policies, and capabilities into their cyber planning.
By developing and maintaining a cyber incident response plan, as recommended in the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP), public safety organizations can more effectively identify, mitigate, and respond to cyber risks. However, many organizations lack the funding and resources to conduct cybersecurity planning. But they don't have to do it alone! Experts such as Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC), information technology administrators, CISA Cybersecurity Advisors (CSA), and CISA Emergency Communications Coordinators (ECC) are available to assist with planning. This webinar will detail the importance of cyber incident response planning for public safety organizations, provide actionable guidance on how to create new or update existing cyber incident response plans, and share information on resources and tools to assist in the process.
Join the webinar to learn about:
- Leveraging NECP best practices for cyber planning
- How cyber planning can help to protect and quickly restore emergency communications systems
- Tools and resources designed to enhance an organization's cybersecurity posture