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Building Resilience: The Power of Multifactor Authentication in Public Safety Communications

1:00 PM ET
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As the emergency communications ecosystem continues to evolve technologically, public safety organizations must take proactive measures to mitigate cybersecurity incidents. By implementing strong authentication methods, such as multifactor authentication (MFA), public safety organizations can protect their communications infrastructure and improve their overall cyber resiliency against malicious hackers. According to the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS), 75% of the nation’s local public safety organizations have indicated their organization has been the victim of a cyberattack, yet more than 40% indicated they do not conduct cybersecurity planning or implement any cybersecurity procedures. Only 38% have implemented MFA within their agency to safeguard against common methods of cyberattack such as credential attacks and unauthorized systems access. 

In honor of National Emergency Communications Month, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is hosting a webinar to share best practices for protecting emergency communications systems against cyber threats. Participants will also explore how SNS data informs nationwide efforts outlined in the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP). 

Join this webinar to learn about: 

  • Common and emerging cybersecurity threats to the emergency communications ecosystem 
  • The importance of MFA for emergency communications systems
  • Leveraging the NECP to improve cybersecurity resiliency of communications systems
  • Resources and tools to assist public safety organizations with adopting MFA

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