
Introduction to CDM Enabled Threat Hunting (CETH) Using the CDM Agency Dashboard ES-5 (CDM210)

9:00 A.M. to 1 P.M. EDT
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Register now for online training event Introduction to CDM Enabled Threat Hunting (CETH) Using the CDM Agency Dashboard ES-5 on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. 

Audience: The CDM Dashboard training is intended for the Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies; attendance will be restricted to attendees from these agencies (https://cyber.dhs.gov/agencies/),

[CRITICAL] Course Prerequisite: Approved registrants must attend the mandatory VIRTUAL STUDENT TECHNICAL CHECK the day before the event to establish a connection to the course content and lab environment.

Event Details: 

  • Hands-on Experience: Participate in lab activities using the current operational version of the CDM Agency Dashboard training environment ES-5.
  • Describe the definition, purpose and benefits of CDM Enabled Threat Huntin (CETH).
  • Explain how CETH is a key component in responding to the current governmental directives like Executive Orders and Binding Operational Directives. 
  • Students will utilize the CDM Agency Dashboard to identify Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEVs) and other specific vulnerabilities currently affecting Government systems. 
  • Describe mitigation and remediation processes at their agency. 

Additional Logistics and Information: 

  • CPE Credits: Participants can earn 4 CPEs by attending this event in its entirety. You must log into the training environment and complete all the lab activities to receive CPE credits. 
  • Attendee Requirements: This is a hands-on event. Attendees must bring a government-issued computer or personal computer to participate in this training. 
  • Note: Audio is through Adobe Connect; there is no external dial-in. Closed captioning (English only) will be provided during this event. 
  • If you require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this virtual event, please contact cyberinsights@cisa.dhs.gov at least five business days prior to the training with the type of support you need.