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Money Talks: Funding Your Emergency Communications Capabilities

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Public safety organizations must implement diverse funding mechanisms to build, improve, expand, and support the complex and often expensive communications systems they rely on. The identification of resources to help cover continually increasing costs and subsidize critical upgrades is an ongoing challenge. The SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS) found that 66% of public safety organizations have insufficient or no funding for operations and maintenance of network systems. Falling short of funding needs affects an organization’s ability to properly maintain systems, conduct system lifecycle planning, and make decisions on the purchasing and upgrading of emergency communications systems. Public safety organizations can address these issues by having a variety of funding mechanisms to sustain and upgrade their emergency communications systems.

This webinar assists participants in identifying funding mechanisms to support emergency communications projects. Join the webinar to learn about:

  • Federal grant guidance and opportunities that support emergency communications activities

  • Working with Statewide Interoperability Coordinators to prioritize communications needs and coordinate applications for federal financial assistance that align with the National Emergency Communications Plan

  • Developing a diverse portfolio of funding mechanisms to sustain emergency communications systems

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