ICS Alert

Sunway Force Control SCADA SEH 6.1 (Update A)

Last Revised
Alert Code


This 2010 alert describes publicly available exploit code targeting a vulnerability in Sunway Force Control SCADA Version 6.1.

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On August 26, 2011, ICS-CERT became aware of publicly available exploit code targeting a vulnerability in Sunway Force Control SCADA Version 6.1. The vulnerability results from inadequate bounds checking, which could allow execution of arbitrary code.

Initial ICS-CERT analysis of this public exploit indicates that the exploit is likely targeting a previously disclosed and patched vulnerability that was coordinated by ICS-CERT and security researcher Dillon Beresford, as reported in ICS-CERT Advisory ICSA-11-167-01. ICS-CERT has reached out to Sunway, the author of the exploit code, and to Mr. Beresford in order to confirm this analysis.

Concerned customers using affected versions of Sunway Force Control are encouraged to follow the mitigation  recommendations provided in ICSA-11-167-01.

ICS-CERT will provide additional information as it becomes available.

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Beijing-based Sunway ForceControl Technology Co. provides SCADA human-machine interface applications for a variety of industries. Sunway’s products are deployed primarily in China. According to the Sunway website, Sunway products are also deployed in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. Sunway products are deployed across a wide variety of industries including petroleum, petrochemical, defense, railways, coal, energy, pharmaceutical, telecommunications, water, and manufacturing.

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  • Sunway