ICS Alert

ScadaTEC ScadaPhone & Modbus TagServer Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Last Revised
Alert Code


This alert reports a buffer overflow vulnerability in the ScadaTEC ScadaPhone & Modbus TagServer applications.

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ICS-CERT is aware of publicly released report that includes exploit code targeting a buffer overflow vulnerability in the ScadaTEC SCADAPhone&  Modbus TagServer products. This vulnerability has yet to be confirmed by either ICS-CERT or by ScadaTEC.

According to this report, this vulnerability relies on the operator opening a specially crafted file with the application. Currently, the exploit code allows an attacker the ability to bind a shell. Simple modifications of this exploit code could result in additional impacts to systems running affected versions of the products.

ICS-CERT is coordinating with the vendor to identify mitigations.

Please report any issues affecting control systems in critical infrastructure environments to ICS-CERT.


The public report claims that two products are affected by the buffer overflow vulnerability:  SCADAPhone and Modbus TagServer.
According to ScadaTEC, SCADAPhone is a notification application that alerts owners and operators of their SCADA system conditions and can also write values to the SCADA System.

The ScadaTEC Modbus TagServer is an OPC server that communicates directly with field devices and makes data available to OPC clients.
According to ScadaTEC, both products are used mostly in the Water sector but are also used in Critical Manufacturing and Chemical sector applications in the United States and Australia.



ICS-CERT published a follow-up advisory titled ICSA-11-362-01 - ScadaTEC ScadaPhone & Modbus TagServer Buffer Overflow on the ICS-CERT Web page on December 28, 2011.

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  • ScadaTEC