
2019 NECP National Development Webinar

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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) seeks your knowledge on issues affecting public safety communications to inform updates to the 2019 National Emergency Communication Plan. Stakeholder input is key to ensuring critical issues are considered and addressed in the revised plan.

The SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS) told us:

  • Cybersecurity incidents affect 1/3 of organizations’ ability to communicate the past five years, but most lack necessary funding to address the issue or include cybersecurity in the planning process
  • Most organizations fund their communications systems with grants funds, but many lack funding for personnel and cybersecurity
  • Data use amongst organizations is on the rise, yet, many report never using or testing interoperability for data

If you can relate to these issues, please join us on Wednesday, July 18 in discussion to plan for your future. You may join these discussions using the following information:

Event: 2019 National Emergency Communications Plan National Development Webinar

Date and Time: Wednesday, July 18th, 2018, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT

Dial-in (For Audio): (800) 786-1918

Webinar Link (For Visual):

The NECP is a forward-thinking, strategic document, driven by stakeholder feedback, which aims to guide the nation now and into the future toward improved operability and interoperability. Stakeholder input will inform NECP development phases for publication in 2019.