CISA and Partners Launch National Supply Chain Integrity Month
CISA is partnering with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), the Department of Defense, and other government and industry partners to kick-off the 6th annual National Supply Chain Integrity Month. This year’s theme, “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) – The Recipe for Resilience” , is a call to action to encourage stakeholders and partners to apply a comprehensive SCRM approach to secure the nation’s most critical supply chains.
The security of information and communications technology (ICT) and software supply chains ensure the continued operation and functionality of a broad range of U.S. critical infrastructure activities that support critical functions within our communities. If vulnerabilities in these systems and their critical hardware and software are exploited, the consequences can have cascading impacts across organizations, sectors, and National Critical Functions.
“The past few years have taught us how disruptive events can have cascading supply chain impacts on American businesses and the public,” said CISA Assistant Director for the National Risk Management Center, Mona Harrington. “As organizations introduce technology into their operations, they must take a comprehensive approach in their strategy for supply chain resilience, which includes being smart about their procurement process, knowing who makes up their extended supply chains, and applying basic cyber hygiene. Government and industry must work together to shift from a reactive to a proactive approach for supply chain risk management.”
Throughout April, CISA will share information and resources, aligned to weekly themes, to help government and industry stakeholders, including small and medium-sized businesses, improve their overall security posture. Afterall, the weakest link in a supply chain can be a recipe for disaster for everyone involved. CISA’s themes for each week include:
- Week 1: Recipe for Resilience: Knowing the Essentials
- Week 2: Shop Small: Resources for Small and Medium-sized Businesses
- Week 3: Cooking with Quality: Vendor/Supplier Trustworthiness
- Week 4: Don’t Poach Your Luck: Common Supply Chain Threats
To learn more about CISA’s supply chain efforts and to view resources, visit Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Security.