Press Release

CISA, Colorado Rockies Team Up for Virtual Tabletop Exercise to Keep Fans Safe


DENVER – Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) joined the Colorado Rockies, along with the Rockies’ state, local and federal partners for a virtual tabletop exercise to review incident preparedness measures and response plans at Coors Field in a continuing effort to ensure fan, staff and team safety. These partners included Major League Baseball, Downtown Denver Partnership, Denver Health Paramedics, Denver Fire Department, Denver Police, Denver Office of Emergency Management, FBI and others. These exercises are critical for everyone involved to stay sharp should an incident occur, and they are an integral part of the Rockies’ regular review of their emergency planning. In the future, when it is deemed safe for these groups to coordinate in person, an operational exercise will take place at Coors Field.

“Today’s virtual exercise was just one of the many examples of the planning and coordination that takes place behind the scenes to keep fans at Coors Field safe,” said CISA Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security (acting) Steve Harris. “From the Rockies’ front office to stadium security and personnel to state and local law enforcement, we’re all on the same team when it comes to safety and security. CISA looks forward to building upon our existing relationships to ensure fans at this beautiful ballpark have a safe and enjoyable experience.”

“The Rockies have had a longstanding relationship with the Department of Homeland Security and greatly value these exercises with CISA, virtual or otherwise,” said Colorado Rockies Vice President/Chief Customer Officer, Ballpark Operations Kevin Kahn. “Every emergency is different, and that’s challenging, but our partners and the coordination among them is something we can depend on in an unpredictable situation. So the more we can get together to review our plans and review our roles, all in an effort to work together to ensure the safety of the people in our ballpark, the stronger that line of defense becomes in the event something actually happens.”

The public has a critical role to play in safety as well. When fans return to Coors Field, CISA and the Rockies encourage them to always be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to ballpark personnel or law enforcement. DHS’ “If You See Something, Say Something®” public awareness campaign has more information on the importance of reporting suspicious activity.

CISA works with sports leagues, teams, stadiums and arenas, and other large venues around the country to develop and exercise response plans for all of the potential threats in today’s environment. Resources and tools are available on

