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In an effort to keep current, the archive contains outdated information that may not reflect current policy or programs.CISA Launches the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announces the launch of the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey (SNS). The SNS provides critical data on federal, state, local, tribal and territorial emergency communications capabilities and gaps. Results from the survey will impact the future of emergency communications at all levels of government. For the data to be reliable, we need widespread participation across the public safety community, meaning all law enforcement, 911, EMS, fire, and emergency management agencies are encouraged to take the survey. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and is open through September 29, 2023.
As the emergency communications environment constantly evolves due to emerging technologies, and new legislation and policies, Congress requires a periodic assessment of nationwide capabilities. To help execute this requirement, SAFECOM periodically initiates a nationwide review, administered by CISA, to survey the emergency communications landscape, gain insights on interoperable communications challenges and emerging technology supporting the public safety mission.
The data collected through the SNS is used at all levels of government to help make informed decisions to strengthen the operability, interoperability, and resiliency of emergency communications. The SNS provides concrete findings on the most pressing emergency communications challenges faced by public agencies and highlights potential areas of improvement. These insights help inform policy, programs, initiatives and funding decisions, leading to enhanced interoperability and more resilient emergency communications systems.
The more public safety organizations participate, the stronger the data will be! Make sure your agency is included in this critical effort. To learn more about the survey and how to participate, visit SNS.