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Press Release

CISA Releases the Marine Transportation System Resilience Assessment Guide


WASHINGTON – Today, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE-ERDC) released the co-developed Marine Transportation System Resilience Assessment Guide (MTS Guide) for use by federal agencies, local governments, and industry decision makers that manage risk and enhance resilience to critical infrastructure systems and functions through conducting resilience assessments. 

The MTS Guide provides a consistent, repeatable process for conducting uniform assessments of the resilience of the complicated systems that comprise the Marine Transportation System (MTS). The MTS Guide provides advice for assembling the diverse group of public and private stakeholders and agencies that manage these systems; provides a framework for conducting resilience assessments; and provides a variety of resources to support resilience assessments.

Use of the MTS Guide will result in closer relationships between stakeholders and partners who may not traditionally be involved in a port resilience assessment, produce a holistic understanding of system vulnerabilities and functions, expand awareness of the dependencies and interdependencies within a specific port system, and identify practices or investments that can enhance resilience and inform risk mitigation decision-making.

“The Maritime Transportation System Resilience Assessment Guide is integral to the development of a unified approach to address resilience indicators for port infrastructure systems, and functions that assess the key dimensions of critical infrastructure in the maritime domain,” said Dr. David Mussington, Executive Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security.

View the Marine Transportation System Resilience Assessment Guide

About CISA 

As the nation’s cyber defense agency and national coordinator for critical infrastructure security, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency leads the national effort to understand, manage, and reduce risk to the digital and physical infrastructure Americans rely on every hour of every day.

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