
Comments on the National Broadband Research Agenda

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Author: The Office of Emergency Communications

On September 9, 2016 the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) published a blog on their website requesting the public safety community to submit comments on the National Broadband Research Agenda.

Some of the questions they’re asking are, “what research proposals regarding broadband access should be prioritized? How can cross-disciplinary collaboration in broadband research be enhanced? What is needed to understand how to reach population groups that have traditionally under-utilized broadband technology?”

Comment should be submitted to by Tuesday, October 11, 2016.

How is this relevant to SAFECOM?

The Department of Homeland Security and FirstNet are members of the Broadband Opportunity Council (BOC). The BOC supports the development of the National Broadband Research Agenda, and is researching ways in which the Federal government can support the deployment of broadband across the U.S. in rural and underserved communities.  While broadband deployment assists in community economic development, broadband also supports first responder/emergency communications and interoperability in those same communities.  FirstNet and Public Safety could leverage the deployment of broadband in these areas, and provide needed synergy between public safety and other public services to assist in community growth.

The Office of Emergency Communications encourages SAFECOM and the public safety community to provide their comments on this issue.