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Press Release

Joint Statement on the Strategic Dialogue on Cybersecurity of Civil Society Under Threat of Transnational Repression


WASHINGTON – The following is the text of a joint statement committed to by the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

"We, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States, recognize that civil society organizations, human rights defenders, dissidents, advocacy groups, journalists, and cultural institutions play an essential role in global democracy. The expression of civil rights and free speech without fear is a cornerstone value that we share. Authoritarian governments are increasingly using cyber means to target these groups, both within their countries and across international borders, including in acts of transnational repression to censor political opposition and track dissidents.

"Over the coming year, we commit to identifying actions that our governments can take to help defend these groups within our respective countries. To support this important mission, the Strategic Dialogue on Cybersecurity of Civil Society Under Threat of Transnational Repression has been established among participating governments. This forum will convene on a regular basis to share information about what each participating country is doing to support the cybersecurity needs of high-risk communities, to share insights on the threat landscape impacting these communities, and to identify opportunities for collaboration on efforts to advance cybersecurity for civil society around the world. In addition, we commit to engaging with civil society and industry in our efforts."

The following is a list of governments that have committed to participate in the Strategic Dialogue on Cybersecurity of Civil Society Under Threat of Transnational Repression: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States.


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