Resilience Where We Worship: Keeping Faith Based Communities Safe
Lakewood, Colo. Across the country, CISA is committed to supporting efforts that maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities while sustaining an open and welcoming environment. We work in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization to build security and resilience for all.

At the national level, DHS is closely monitoring unfolding events in Israel and Gaza and sharing relevant information on its webpages. CISA tracks and posts cybersecurity alerts on line, as well.
Locally, across the six states of Region 8, we work continually with our sister agencies in DHS and DOJ providing educational roundtables, webinars, and resources to assist houses of worship of all faiths in securing physical and cyber infrastructure. Our Protective Security Advisors and Cybersecurity Advisors present the CISA planning process for building resilience, including:
- The Six Steps to Enhance Security Against Targeted Violence
- The Houses of Worship Security Assessment
- Perimeter Security Considerations Infographic

We also offer guides for congregational security teams to use in planning a security program:
- Power of Hello Houses of Worship Guide and the accompanying De-Escalation Series tools
- Bomb Threat Management
- Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide
- Paper-Based Houses of Worship Security Self-Assessment and User Guide
Region 8’s security advisors for physical, chemical, and cybersecurity are here to assist you. We live and work in Region 8’s six states and can join you on-site for presentations, discussions, and assessments.
To add Region 8 to your planning team, contact us at: