Archived Content
In an effort to keep current, the archive contains outdated information that may not reflect current policy or programs.SAFECOM and NCSWIC Release Joint SAFECOM-NCSWIC P25 UNWG Fact Sheet
Project 25 (P25) is the only known user-driven emergency communications standards process in the U.S. and the P25 User Needs Working Group (UNWG) provides the forum for the public safety community to provide input to the standards and compliance/interoperability testing requirements. The P25 standards are constantly being enhanced and refined as new requirements are identified.
This document provides an overview of the P25 UNWG’s history, structure, and recent products. The Joint SAFECOM-NCSWIC P25 UNWG Fact Sheet outlines the working group’s purpose and offers opportunities to become involved through at least four conference calls annually, and at two in-person meetings per year, providing members with opportunities to discuss critical P25 issues. The UNWG has a diverse membership of public safety and emergency communications stakeholders and subject matter experts, including representatives from SAFECOM, NCSWIC, state and local government agencies, and public and private organizations. Members from across the public safety community are encouraged to join the UNWG to provide input on the P25 standards to ensure the interoperability testing continues to meet public safety’s evolving communications needs.