
SAFECOM Publishes 2020 SAFECOM Annual Summary

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Author: Ralph Barnett, III, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Conducted annually, the SAFECOM Annual Summary provides information on the program’s mission and summarizes the program’s achievements over the past year. The SAFECOM Annual Summary highlights key 2020 SAFECOM products and activities and includes summaries of virtual meetings conducted throughout the year. SAFECOM worked to enhance public safety communications capabilities and improve coordination among the community, and supported the progress of strategic priorities through its committee structure (consisting of four standing committees: Education and Outreach, Governance, Funding and Sustainment, and Technology Policy), along with a number of other initiatives through organized task forces and working groups. SAFECOM partners and coordinates closely with the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) across multiple program subgroups and engagements.

Coming together in the face of great adversity, SAFECOM continued to find new ways to promote collaboration and networking among stakeholders, as well as facilitate solutions to some of the nation’s most pressing issues on emergency communications interoperability. In addition to numerous products produced by the program over the year, SAFECOM members provided significant input into the 2019 National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) and incorporated the Plan’s implementation activities into its 2020 strategic planning and product development. SAFECOM also conducted a series of virtual meetings and SAFECOM’s sub-groups met virtually throughout the year. Many of SAFECOM’s products are available on the SAFECOM website.

SAFECOM is a stakeholder-supported public safety communications program administered by CISA. CISA supports SAFECOM’s development of grant guidance, policy, tools, and templates, and provides direct assistance to state, local, tribal, territorial, and federal practitioners. Through collaboration with emergency responders and policymakers across all levels of government, SAFECOM works to improve multi-jurisdictional and intergovernmental public safety communications interoperability.

For more information on SAFECOM, please visit: