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Press Release

Statement from CISA Director Easterly on the Passage of Cyber Incident Reporting Legislation


WASHINGTON – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Jen Easterly released the following statement today:

“As the nation’s cyber defense agency, CISA applauds the passage of cyber incident reporting legislation. Thanks to the support of our many partners in Congress, CISA will have the data and visibility we need to help better protect critical infrastructure and businesses across the country from the devastating effects of cyber-attacks. 

“CISA will use these reports from our private sector partners to build a common understanding of how our adversaries are targeting U.S. networks and critical infrastructure. This information will fill critical information gaps and allow us to rapidly deploy resources and render assistance to victims suffering attacks, analyze incoming reporting across sectors to spot trends, and quickly share that information with network defenders to warn other potential victims. CISA is committed to working collaboratively and transparently with our industry and federal government partners in order to enhance the security and resilience of our nation’s networks and critical infrastructure.

“Put plainly, this legislation is a game-changer. Today marks a critical step forward in the collective cybersecurity of our nation.

“We are also grateful to Congress for the unprecedented level of funding provided for CISA in the Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus. This investment represents a recognition of the importance of our mission and the confidence of the Congress in our ability to defend our nation’s networks and critical infrastructure.”