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Press Release

Statement from CISA Director Krebs on Today’s ODNI Update


August 7, 2020

WASHINGTON – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Director Christopher Krebs released the following statement today on the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s update on election threats:

“One of the best tools our election officials and the American people have to help defend against election interference is transparency on the risks to elections. ODNI’s statement today demonstrates this commitment to providing transparency and continuing to raise awareness among the American public about the threats to our election systems. We’ve come a long way since 2016 and we appreciate the Intelligence Community efforts to continue to downgrade and share information as broadly as possible, and we encourage them to continue to do so.

“The threat information shared today is serious and troubling, but Americans should rest assured that we are working to ensure our elections remain secure. We have long said Russia and other nation-states are targeting our elections. We knew this to be true in 2016, we know its true today and we know they will continue to attempt to interfere. While motives may vary, one thing is consistent:  They are attempting to interfere in our democratic process. That’s why we have spent the last several years preparing alongside our partners across all levels of government, campaigns, and tech companies to ensure the adversaries are not successful and American voters decide American elections.”

