National Risk Management Center
A center providing actionable risk analysis to drive secure and resilient critical infrastructure for the American people.
A critical infrastructure community empowered by actionable risk analysis.
America’s critical infrastructure faces risks that are complex, evolving, and interconnected. The National Risk Management Center (NRMC) provides vital analytic and strategic support to mitigate risk to the cyber and physical infrastructure Americans rely on every day.
Through collaboration with a broad range of federal and private sector partners, NRMC identifies the most significant risks in all 16 critical infrastructure sectors and promotes risk reduction activities to improve the security and resilience of critical infrastructure now and into the future.
Our cyber and physical infrastructure faces risks that continue to evolve, including nation-state adversaries, increasingly severe weather, and rapidly developing artificial intelligence tools. We are excited to serve as the Nation’s center for cross-sector critical infrastructure risk analysis, and we are ready for the challenges ahead.

Risk Management
CISA works with government and industry to identify, analyze, prioritize, and manage the most significant risks to the nation's critical infrastructure. Since this infrastructure is largely owned and operated by the private sector, managing risk is a shared priority.

Analytics Capability
Provides risk analysts with the tools they need to conduct the kind of analysis that supplies useful and applicable information to effectively identify, mitigate, and manage risk.

Election Security and Resilience
Provides election stakeholders with the information they need to manage risk to their systems and assets to ensure secure elections.

Risk Services
Provides CISA and its stakeholders with risk analysis and decision support services concerning all hazards and risks to critical infrastructure.

Strategic Foresight
Leads NRMC efforts to forecast potential risks, develop mitigation strategies, and accelerate research to enhance the resilience of our critical infrastructure.

Let's Get Started
Through collaboration, CISA identifies the most significant risks to the nation’s cyber and physical infrastructure and promotes risk reduction activities. As members of the critical infrastructure community, you are a key part of our mission.
Risk Mitigation Resources
Be part of building a more resilient infrastructure.
Read the latest updates about NRMC and CISA.
Secure Tomorrow Series Toolkit
Increase risk awareness and learn about risk management strategies.
For questions or comments, email nrmc.intake@cisa.dhs.gov