President's Cup FAQs

Below you will find some commonly asked questions and answers to help you with the President’s Cup. If you cannot find the answer here, please contact us directly at  

Who can participate? 

President’s Cup is open to all federal employees, including uniformed services. Current job function does not need to be focused on cybersecurity. Contractors are not eligible to participate.   

How do I sign up? 

Registration for the fifth President’s Cup will open in January 2024. To sign up, visit this webpage under the registration section and make sure to use a “.gov” or “.mil” email address.  

Will I need any special software or applications to participate in the President’s Cup?  

No. All that is needed for the first two qualification rounds is a modern web browser and your registered account. Supported browsers are Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.  

Will we be able to access the internet in the challenge environments? 

No. The required tools to solve a challenge will be included in the challenge environment. Internet connectivity is removed to keep the integrity of the competition and ensure there is a level playing field for all participants. Mirrors of standard application repositories (Apt and Pip) are provided for use inside of the challenge environment to install additional tools on the provided virtual machines. 

I saw that the Finals are an in-person event. Where are the Finals held? 

The 2024 Finals will be held at CISA’s Arlington, VA facility. Agencies will be responsible for travel of their personnel if they qualify.  

What happens if I qualify for the Finals and am unable to attend in-person?  

In-person attendance is mandatory* in order to participate in the Finals. Once you are notified that you qualified for the Finals you will have to RSVP to the President’s Cup team.   

  • Team members must respond by March 8, 2024.  

  • Individuals members must respond by March 22, 2024.  

If you cannot attend, the next highest qualifying individual or team will be invited. Please note that entire teams will not be disqualified from participating in the Finals as long as at least two members attend.

*If you require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact the President’s Cup team and

My agency wants to enter two teams in Round 1. Is that possible?  

Yes. A department or agency can enter more than one team in the competition.  

One of my team members dropped out after Round 1. Can I replace them with someone else for Round 2?  

No. Once a team is established, members cannot be added. You have the option to compete without that team member.  

When does registration for the competition start?  

Registration for both teams and individuals will open in January 2024. Please note that registration is still open through the end of Qualifying Round 1.    

It is mentioned that the competition challenges will be mapped to the NICE Framework. Where can I get more information on the NICE Framework?  

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) has an overview of the Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). This video, NICE Framework 101, is a more detailed introduction to the NICE Framework website. See also our supporting materials below.  

I’m eligible to participate in the President’s Cup, but I don’t have a team. Can I participate as an individual? 

Yes. See Competition Details above. Participants can compete either as part of a team, as an individual, or both. Qualifying Round 1 is open to all Federal Executive Branch cybersecurity professionals.  

I’m a detailee and I want to participate. Which organization do I participate with – my original agency or my detailed agency? 

Detailees to a specific agency can participate on a team for their detailed agency or their home agency, subject to the approval of both their home agency and detail supervisor, including agreement on which agency will be responsible for travel and awards.  

Can I participate on more than one team at a time?  

No. You can only be a team member on one team.  

I’m a government contractor and I want to participate. Am I eligible?  

No. Government contractors are not eligible to participate in the President's Cup.