The President's NIAC Reports and Recommendations

These are the National Infrastructure Advisory Council's Reports and Recommendations submitted to the President and the Department of Homeland Security.

The President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) has conducted 30 in-depth studies resulting in almost 300 recommendations, addressing problems such as how to:

  • Improve intelligence information sharing across government and industry
  • Identify and reduce complex cyber risks, particularly for cyber-physical systems that operate critical processes
  • Better prepare and respond to disruptions (like Superstorm Sandy) that can ripple across multiple infrastructure systems and paralyze services to entire regions
  • Facilitate cooperative decision-making among senior executives and federal leaders during imminent threats and disaster responses
  • Address the skills gaps and loss of institutional knowledge in key workforces



This is the NIAC's Cross-Sector Collaboration to Protect Critical Infrastructure: Barriers and Recommendations for Improvement Final Report released March 2023.

  • NIAC Cross-Sector Collaboration to Protect Critical Infrastructure (03/23) (pdf, 819KB)

This is the NIAC's Actionable Cyber Intelligence: An Executive-Led Collaborative Model and transmittal letter released December 2020.



On September 5, 2019, the National Security Council tasked the President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) to examine how the federal government and private industry can collaborate seamlessly to confront urgent cyber risks in the most critical and highly targeted private infrastructure.

Escalating cyber risks to America’s critical infrastructures present an existential threat to continuity of government, economic stability, social order, and national security. U.S. companies find themselves on the front lines of a cyber war they are ill-equipped to win against nation-states intent on disrupting or destroying our critical infrastructure. Bold action is needed to prevent the dire consequences of a catastrophic cyber attack on energy, communication, and financial infrastructures.



The nation has steadily improved its ability to respond to major disasters and the power outages that often result. But increasing threats—whether severe natural disasters, cyber-physical attacks, electromagnetic events, or some combination—present new challenges for protecting the national power grid and recovering quickly from a catastrophic power outage.

The President’s National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) was tasked to examine the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from a catastrophic power outage of a magnitude beyond modern experience, exceeding prior events in severity, scale, duration, and consequence. Simply put, how can the nation best prepare for and recover from a catastrophic power outage, regardless of the cause?

2017 and Prior


This is the NIAC's Future Focus Study: Strengthening the NIAC Study Process Final Report and transmittal letter.

This is the NIAC's Securing Cyber Assets: Addressing Urgent Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure Final Report and the transmittal letter.


This is the NIAC Executive Collaboration for the Nation's Strategic Infrastructure: Responses to National Security Council Questions and the transmittal memo.

This is the NIAC's Transportation Sector Resilience: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Executive Collaboration for the Nation's Strategic Critical Infrastructure: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Implementation of EO 13636 and PPD-21: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Intelligence Information Sharing: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Optimization of Resources for Mitigating Infrastructure Disruptions: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Framework for Establishing Critical Infrastructure Resilience Goals: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Critical Infrastructure Resilience: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Framework for Dealing with Disasters and Related Interdependencies: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Critical Infrastructure Partnership Strategic Assessment: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Insider Threat to Critical Infrastructures: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Events and the Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Prioritization of Critical Infrastructure for a Pandemic Outbreak in the United States Working Group: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Convergence of Physical and Cyber Technologies and Related Security Management Challenges: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Public-Private Sector Intelligence Coordination: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Workforce Preparation, Education, and Research: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Sector Partnership Model Implementation: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Risk Management Approaches to Protection: Final Report and Recommendations.


This is the NIAC's Common Vulnerability Scoring System: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Hardening the Internet: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Prioritizing Cyber Vulnerabilities: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Evaluation and Enhancement of Information Sharing and Analysis: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Best Practices for Government to Enhance the Security of National Critical Infrastructures: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Cross Sector Interdependencies and Risk Assessment Guidance: Final Report and Recommendations.

This is the NIAC's Vulnerability Disclosure Framework: Final Report and Recommendations.