Research, Development, and Innovation for Enhancing Resilience of Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure: Needs and Strategic Actions
This white paper was developed by the Resilient Investment Planning and Development Working Group (RIPDWG) and identifies specific research, development, and innovation needs and strategic actions focused around three major gaps the working group sees in federal research efforts: (1) An integrated analysis of consequences and risk reduction decision factors for critical services that depend on cyber-physical infrastructure systems; (2) An understanding of the societal dimensions of enhancing the resilience of cyber-physical infrastructure systems; and (3) User-engagement in cyber-physical infrastructure research to translate resilience knowledge into effective action at the local and regional level. The paper recommends 12 strategic actions for holistic implementation by research partners across the federal interagency to make congressionally funded research more relevant, equitable, accessible, and useful to decision-makers that must address critical infrastructure challenges.