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Unofficial Redline of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Technical Amendments Final Rule

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CFATS Announcement

As of July 28, 2023, Congress has allowed the statutory authority for the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program (6 CFR Part 27) to expire.

Therefore, CISA cannot enforce compliance with the CFATS regulations at this time. This means that CISA will not require facilities to report their chemicals of interest or submit any information in CSAT, perform inspections, or provide CFATS compliance assistance, amongst other activities. CISA can no longer require facilities to implement their CFATS Site Security Plan or CFATS Alternative Security Program.

CISA encourages facilities to maintain security measures. CISA’s voluntary ChemLock resources are available on the ChemLock webpages.

If CFATS is reauthorized, CISA will follow up with facilities in the future. To reach us, please contact

This document is the unofficial redline of 6 CFR part 27 that shows the net effect of the Final Rule published in the Federal Register (86 FR 41889) that updates the regulatory language to reflect CISA's current organizational structure, as well as other non-substantive technical edits that clarify the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) regulation.

Facilities regulated under the CFATS program do not need to take any action in response to this Final Rule.

Visit the CFATS Laws and Regulations webpage for more information on rulemaking and Federal Register Notices.

Disclaimer: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is releasing this unofficial, informal redline to assist industry and other stakeholders in reviewing the changes that the Final Rule makes to the regulatory text. While CISA has taken steps to ensure the accuracy of this redline, it is not an official version of the Final Rule and should not be relied upon for regulatory compliance or enforcement purposes. This redline is not a substitute for reviewing the CFATS regulation or the Final Rule. If any conflicts exist between this redline and the text of the CFATS regulation or Final Rule, the documents published in the Federal Register are the controlling documents.