NCSWIC Membership
The National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) is comprised of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) and their alternate from the 56 States and territories. There are two main groups that make up the NCSWIC: 1) Executive Committee (EC) members (also referred to as Regional Interoperability Council (RIC) Chairs) and 2) general NCSWIC members. Both groups are members of their respective RIC.
NCSWIC members work with public safety responders in their respective region and state or territory to create governance structures that promote and enhance interoperable communications. This approach ensures multi-jurisdictional and cross-disciplinary coordination occurs amongst public safety responders and policymakers for the purpose of identifying and implementing solutions that enhance interoperability.
In support of this approach, NCSWIC has developed a governance structure that compliments the input provided by public safety responders and policymakers.
NCSWIC members develop or enhance State and territory governance structures to provide strategic guidance from first responders that can be shared at interstate RIC meetings and at the NCSWIC EC meetings.
NCSWIC Membership
NCSWIC Membership is comprised of the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC) or an acting SWIC representative from each State or territory in the designated region. Please click on a region below to view NCSWIC contact information for that region.
Map Image Here
For a complete list of the NCSWIC membership please refer to the NCSWIC Membership Roster (.pdf, 443KB).
NCSWIC Executive Committee
The NCSWIC Executive Committee (EC) is the leadership group and governing body of the NCSWIC and is comprised of the Regional Interoperability Council (RIC) Chairs from each of the ten Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regions.
The interstate RICs were developed to promote communication and collaboration among SWICs for the purpose of establishing interoperable communications solutions with neighboring states, FEMA regions, and countries. The RICs shall also be the venue to ensure the actions and guidance sought by the EC are communicated, vetted, and implemented.
Each FEMA region has its own interstate RIC. Membership is comprised of the SWIC (or acting SWIC representative) from each State or territory in the FEMA region.
NCSWIC Leadership
- NCSWIC Chair: Brad Stoddard
- NCSWIC Vice-Chair: Greg Hauser
- Second Vice Chair of NCSWIC: Jon Lee
- Governance Committee Chair: Brad Stoddard
- Planning, Training, and Exercises Committee Chairs: Andi Baughn and Melissa Friend
- Funding and Sustainment Committee Co-Chair: Penny Rubow
- Technology Policy Committee Co-Chair: Vacant
NCSWIC Executive Committee
- Region I: Steve Mallory (ME); Richard Fiske (MA)
- Region II: Will Mosley, Sr. (NJ); Felix Garcia (PR)
- Region III: RC Faulk (WV); Gabe Elias (VA)
- Region IV: Greg Hauser (NC); Jeb Hargrove (AL)
- Region V: Brad Stoddard (MI); Andi Baughn (IN)
- Region VI: Penny Rubow (AR); Nikki Dallas (OK); Karla Jurrens (TX)
- Region VII: Jason Bryant (KS)
- Region VIII: Thomas Munsey (MT); Darin Anderson (ND)
- Region IX: Jeremy Knoll (AZ); Joey Dela Cruz (CNMI)
- Region X: Brian Shields (ID); William Chapman (OR); Jon Lee (WA)
- At-Large: Vacant; Vacant
NCSWIC Organization Chart
- Governance Committee: examines and develops both internal and external emergency communications governance
- Planning, Training, & Exercise (PTE) Committee: provides guidance and best practices for planning, training, and exercises related to public safety communications
- Funding and Sustainment Committee: identifies innovative ways to fund emergency communications systems and activities
- Technology Policy Committee: promotes the use of technologies, resources, and processes related to emergency communications and interoperability
CISA Emergency Communications Coordinators
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) established the emergency communication Regional Coordination Program to strengthen emergency communications capabilities across tribal, local, state, and federal governments through trusted relationships, collaboration, and knowledge sharing. CISA has subject matter experts located across the country to engage stakeholders and address the complex issues facing the emergency communications ecosystem.