In January 2021, CISA unveiled the Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Campaign to raise awareness and instigate actions to combat this ongoing and evolving threat. The campaign, which includes an easy-to-use and adapt toolkit, is a focused, coordinated and sustained effort to encourage public and private sector organizations to implement best practices, tools and resources that can help them mitigate ransomware risk.
Part of the Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Campaign focused on the rising ransomware threat against K-12 educational institutions. Click on the icon to uncover resources designed to help individuals and K-12 educational institutions remain secure during a time of remote and hybrid learning.
Given the increasingly sophisticated and widespread nature of cyber-attacks, the healthcare industry is also making cybersecurity a priority. Many healthcare institutions have experienced highly damaging ransomware intrusions, some of which have impacted ability to deliver patient care.
Click on the icons below to find resources related to campaigns focused on combatting the growing and evolving threat of ransomware.
Campaign Toolkit |
K-12 Resources |
Healthcare Resources |