Vehicle Ramming Mitigation Resources
CISA's Vehicle Ramming Self-Assessment Tool
CISA’s Vehicle Ramming Self-Assessment Tool was developed in partnership with the Chicago Police Department to assist critical infrastructure owners and operators and federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies with evaluating areas of interest against the risk of a vehicle-ramming style of attack. It’s a web-based resource comprised of a series of simple questions that evaluate various components of a facility to assess potential vulnerabilities to a vehicle ramming attack. Based on responses, the tool provides recommended actions to reduce risk; it also includes access to a multitude of informational resources.
Accompanying the tool are a One-Page Overview and User Guide with instructions on how to operate the tool.
Vehicle Ramming Mitigation Translated Resources
Vehicle Ramming Attack Mitigation Video
The Vehicle Ramming Attack Mitigation Video provides information to assist with mitigating the evolving threat corresponding to vehicle ramming incidents with insightful technical analysis from public and private sector subject matter experts. It leverages real-world events and provides recommendations aimed at protecting organizations as well as individuals against a potential vehicle ramming incident.
Resources and Tools
Explore the vehicle ramming mitigation resources offered by CISA and our partners.
- CISA Resources
- The Autonomous Ground Vehicle Security Guide provides Transportation Systems Sector partners with a framework to better understand cyber-physical threats related to autonomous ground vehicles and recommended strategies to mitigate both enterprise- and asset-level security risks.
- The Dam Sector - Active and Passive Vehicle Barriers Guide assists dam owners and operators in understanding various types of active and passive vehicle barriers and how to incorporate them into their overall security plan. The guide also provides a cursory level of technical information regarding barriers and includes references to assist owners and operators in properly designing protective schemes and selecting vehicle barriers and their appurtenant safety and security systems.
- The Vehicle Incident Prevention and Mitigation Security Guide offers a recommended framework of Plan-Prevent-Protect for critical infrastructure owners and operators, as well as those responsible for pedestrian safety in proximity to those sites, against vehicle threats.
- The Vehicle Ramming Action Guide identifies warning signs an individual might exhibit when planning a vehicle ramming attack. It also includes suggested mitigation strategies and protective measures.
- Protecting Patrons in Outdoor Eating Venues Fact Sheet identifies security measures for restaurants that choose to conduct business outside. Restrictions in operations from COVID-19 have forced restaurants to set up tables outside, creating a potential vulnerability of an attack. This product identifies various potential threats such as vehicle ramming, including security measures restaurants and the municipality can enforce to help mitigate the threat, and actions to take if an attack occurs.
- Partner Resources
- American Society of Testing and Measures, Standard Test Method for Crash Testing of Vehicle Security Barriers: This Standard Test Method for Crash Testing of Vehicle Security Barriers provides a range of vehicle impact conditions, designations, and penetration performance levels. This will allow an agency to select passive perimeter barriers and active entry point barriers appropriate for use at facilities with a defined moving vehicle threat.
- Chicago Department of Transportation - Rules and Regulations for Construction in the Public Way: Effective management of this public space is vital for sustainable transportation and infrastructure, as well as for residents and local businesses.
- FBI Vehicle Rental Vehicle Ramming Video: The FBI, DHS, and TSA—in coordination with the Truck Renting and Leasing Association and the American Car Rental Association—have released a short training video to help vehicle rental employees identify suspicious activities and behavior by customers who may wish to use a rented vehicle for nefarious purposes.
- National Capital Planning Commission, Designing and Testing of Perimeter Security Elements (.pdf, 1,955 KB): While protecting important public and private buildings is a legitimate need in the United States, that need has too often been dealt with by the placement of unsightly barriers that detract from the public space and create a fortified atmosphere. A major challenge that planners and designers in Washington face today is to develop effective perimeter security measures that respect existing dramatic views, gracious open spaces, and the city’s historic urban design. he plan proposes an expanded palette of attractive furnishings and landscape solutions to guard against the threat posed by bomb-laden vehicles while preserving the open space qualities of the capital’s urban design. Built on an urban design framework that identifies key areas and streets within Washington.
- New York City Pedestrian Level of Service Study, Phase I (.pdf, 3,255 KB): The objectives of this study are to evaluate the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) pedestrian Level of Service (LOS) methodology in terms of its suitability for pedestrian planning in New York City, to compile a pedestrian characteristics database, and to make recommendations for changes in pedestrian LOS analysis in New York City.
- New York Department of Transportation, Highway Design Manual Chapter 10: Roadside Design, Guide Rail, and Appurtenances: This chapter also provides guidance for assessing existing facilities to determine the number of safety concerns and nonconforming features that are present in the roadside area and the amount of upgrading that would be appropriate when work is performed on that existing facility.
- Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance against Potential Terrorist Attacks (.pdf, 38 MB): This publication focuses on site design aimed to protect buildings from attackers using vehicles carrying explosives. These represent the most serious form of attack. Large trucks enable terrorists to carry very large amounts of explosives that are capable of causing casualties and destruction over a range of many hundreds of yards. Perimeter barriers and protective design within the site can greatly reduce the possibility of vehicle penetration. Introduction of smaller explosive devices, carried in suitcases or backpacks, must be prevented by pedestrian screening methods.
- U.S. Department of Transportation_Federal Highway Administration_Traffic Calming ePrimer – Module 3: The Traffic Calming ePrimer is a free, online resource openly available for public use. The ePrimer presents a thorough review of current traffic calming practice and contains the information needed to understand this complex field. The ePrimer is presented in eight distinct modules developed to allow the reader to move between each to find the desired information, without a cover-to-cover reading.
- HVM Considerations for Temporary Vehicle Security Barriers: The United Kingdom’s National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) and National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) have released guidance to support local authorities, event organizers, and similar end user groups on using temporary Vehicle Security Barriers as part of a Hostile Vehicle Mitigation scheme. The guidance, written by NaCTSO, NPSA, and UK government and policing leads for the topic contains key information on using temporary Vehicle Security Barriers as part of a Hostile Vehicle Mitigation scheme, which itself should be one piece of a wider security plan. It also poses pertinent questions and signposts to further information and resources.
- First Responder Toolbox
The First Responder Toolbox is an ad hoc, Unclassified//For Official Use Only, reference aid intended to promote counterterrorism coordination among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government authorities and partnerships with private sector officials in deterring, preventing, disrupting, and responding to terrorist attacks.
- Best Practices for Screening Against Terrorist Attacks (Interactive): Terrorists will probably use a variety of tactics to attach and hide items, such as GPS trackers, Wi-Fi positioning system (WPS) locators, and IEDs to target, track or attack vehicles. The placement location of such devices will vary depending upon a variety of factors, such as the device's purpose, size, construction, and installation time.
- Best Practices for Vehicle Screening Against Terrorist Attacks (print): This product highlights the variety of tactics used by threat actors to target, track, or attack with vehicles, and how to mitigate these attempts.
- Vehicle Borne Attacks: Tactics and Mitigation: This product encourages discussion and creativity among intergovernmental and private sector stakeholders for integrating protective security measures into public and private places to reduce vehicle-borne threats.
- Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED): Preparedness, Recognition, and Response: This product provides preparedness, recognition and response considerations for a VBIED.
- Vehicle Rental/Leasing Industry Partnerships: A Force Multiplier: This product highlights the role vehicle rental/lease industry partners can play in the prevention of terrorism. It also highlights available government and industry resources.