Maritime Security Risk Analysis Model (MSRAM)
Developer/Partners: USCG (2001)
Relevant Hazard/Threat(s): Terrorism
Intent: Process and model that supports the USCG's mission to understand and mitigate the risk of terrorist attacks on targets in U.S. ports and waterways. It is used to prioritize use of USCG resources including Port Security Grant Applications, operational decisions, resource and strategy decisions.
The MSRAM follows the Risk = Threat*Consequence*Vulnerability model where the threat is a generic attack against a specific target which is classified by location, maximum consequences, geographic location and other information. The consequences evaluate death and injury, primary and secondary economic impacts, environmental impact, national security impact and symbolic impact.
Data Parameters
Inputs: The MSRAM methodology is a Microsoft Access application that is fed data provided by the USCG Intelligence Coordination Center for all combinations of attack modes and target classes.
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