Archived Event
This event period has closed. The content on this page is meant for reference or informational purposes only. To view upcoming events, visit our Events page.Stay Flexible and Adaptable: Planning for Communications Continuity
Achieving secure and resilient voice and data communications across the Emergency Communications Ecosystem is essential for public safety agencies to execute their missions. However, as communications systems and functions become more interconnected, they also become more vulnerable to impacts from physical and cyber-based threats and hazards. The National Emergency Communication Plan (NECP) highlights the critical need for public safety organizations to plan for resilient communications which is supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Federal Continuity Directives and Continuity Guidance Circular as well as associated training and evaluation programs. Despite the importance of continuity planning, the SAFECOM Nationwide Survey found that less than half of public safety organizations build processes into their plans to ensure continuity of communications during out-of-the ordinary emergencies or disasters.
This webinar held by CISA, will highlight the importance of continuity across the Emergency Communications Ecosystem and provide participants with resources and best practices for ensuring resilient communications. Speakers will discuss specific communications elements that should be considered as part of continuity planning; explain how existing capabilities should be updated or upgraded to ensure continuity based on lessons learned; and provide real world experiences on how jurisdictions have adapted to mitigate mission impacts from communications vulnerabilities. During the webinar, participants can expect to learn about:
- Continuity building principles, practices, and resources available in the FEMA National Continuity Resource Toolkit and other sites
- The importance of periodically reviewing and updating or upgrading capabilities
- Leveraging the NECP to understand and build emergency communications resilience
Presented in partnership with:
- FEMA National Continuity Programs Directorate
- City of Alexandria (VA), Department of Emergency & Customer Communications