Emergency Communications Planning
Given the rapidly evolving emergency communications environment, public safety organizations improve voice, video, and data interoperability and information exchange by planning for new investments, maintaining and modernizing legacy systems, and identifying the personnel and training needs that are necessary to meet new challenges. Effective strategic planning focuses on the strategic direction and alignment of all emergency communications-related technology (voice and data) within an organization or jurisdiction as well as the broader community of stakeholders. In addition, consideration of short- and long-term technology evolution enables an organization to determine system needs and requirements as part of the lifecycle planning process.
CISA’s Role
CISA, through its Emergency Communications Division (ECD), supports the advancement of interoperable communications and the adoption of broadband technologies through the development and implementation of strategic planning and national policies, issuance of guidance, and development of technical assistance offerings. ECD is congressionally mandated to develop and update the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) – the nation’s strategic roadmap to strengthen and enhance emergency communications capabilities – in collaboration with the whole community. The concepts within the NECP are incorporated into various products for stakeholders such as grant guidance, criteria for Statewide Communications Interoperability Plans (SCIPs), and various policy recommendations for the use of land mobile radio (LMR), broadband and other emergency communications technologies by the public safety community. ECD also conducts a national capabilities assessment which informs the goals and objectives of the NECP as well as the other products releases.
Featured Content
National Emergency Communications Plan
The NECP establishes a shared vision for emergency communications and assists those who plan for, coordinate, invest in, and use operable and interoperable communications for response and recovery operations.
Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans
The SCIP creates a single resource for all stakeholders and a unified approach for enhancing interoperable communications for public safety and officials at all levels of government.
Implementing the National Emergency Communications Webinars
A collection of slides and supporting documents for the Implementing the NECP Webinar Series. For more information visit our website.
NECP Spotlights
The Spotlights are a series of articles designed to demonstrate how recommendations within the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) apply to real-world events.
SAFECOM Nationwide Survey
SNS is a nationwide data collection effort to obtain actionable and critical data that drives our nation’s emergency communication policies, programs, and funding.
National Emergency Communications Plan
A collection of documents related to the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP).
Strategic Planning for State and Local Public Safety Organizations
This document reviews the benefits of coordinating with state government on emergency communications planning efforts. It also provides recommended actions for public safety organizations and a list of planning resources.
Emerging Communications Technology
This document summarizes the correlation between planning for emerging technologies and overall emergency communications progress found in the SNS. Plus actions in the NECP that organizations can take to better prepare for these advancements.
Inclusive Governance
This document highlights the benefits to emergency communications when under-represented organizations or sectors are incorporated into planning and coordination processes. Plus recommended actions for public safety entities to become more inclusive.
SAFECOM works with existing federal communications programs and key emergency response stakeholders to address the need to develop better technologies and processes for the coordination of existing communications systems and future networks.
Emergency Communications Preparedness Center
The ECPC is the federal interagency focal point for interoperable and operable communications coordination. It is comprised of 14 federal departments and agencies with roles including regulation, policy, operations, grants, and technical assistance.
Rural Emergency Medical Communications Demonstration Project (REMCDP)
Congress authorized CISA to establish REMCDP, a competitive grant and technical assistance offering, to engage communities to help establish or sustain statewide medical communications systems and improve rural medical care delivery.