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New Guide Highlights Best Practices for Geographic Information System (GIS) Implementation


Author: Gerald “Jerry” Jaskulski, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Next-Generation 911 (NG911) Working Group Federal Lead

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Across the Nation, the public safety communications community is looking to upgrade analog 911 systems to digital or internet protocol (IP)-based systems, known as Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems, to capitalize on new capabilities and infrastructure to create faster and more resilient communication systems. Geographic Information System (GIS) capabilities are an essential component of NG911 and improving public safety communications. The public safety community relies on GIS data to accurately relay a caller’s location and dispatch emergency responders. GIS data can improve emergency response by providing accurate location information and critical geographic information to improve situational awareness. Implementing and maintaining GIS systems can be challenging because it requires capturing expansive geographic information— from a street intersection in a rural town to aerial images of mountainous terrain—and continually updating systems to capture new building structures.

The SAFECOM and the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) NG911 working group, with support from CISA, released a Geographic Information System (GIS) Lifecycle Best Practices Guide to provide public safety administrators, managers, and officials with best practices and resources for implementing GIS systems. The Guide provides an overview of the GIS lifecycle from planning and implementation to assessing the need to upgrade capabilities. The document also highlights best practices for each of the six phases, such as establishing a governance structure, identifying technical requirements for procuring resources, and developing policies and procedures to manage and secure data.

The NG911 working group collaborated with government, industry, and academic stakeholders to develop the Guide. Public safety stakeholders, whether at the beginning stages of GIS implementation or considering upgrading capabilities, can use the guide and resources to help ensure they have implemented essential GIS components for NG911.

For questions about the GIS Lifecycle Best Practices Guide, please contact or visit for additional NG911 transition resources.