Transition to Next Generation 911 (NG911)

A critical component of emergency communications are 911 centers–to include emergency communications centers (ECCs), public safety answering points (PSAPs), public safety communication centers (PSCCs), emergency operations centers (EOCs), and other public safety command centers.
CISA, in conjunction with the SAFECOM-NCSWIC Next Generation 911 (NG911) Working Group, uses stakeholder feedback from multiple levels of government to identify, document, and develop informational products and refine innovative concepts that will facilitate the transition to NG911. This page provides resources and tools to support 911 system operations, security, and NG911 transition.
- Page Content
Highlighted Resource
911 Cybersecurity Resource Hub

The SAFECOM/NCSWIC 911 Cybersecurity Resource Hub is a one-stop shop compiles cybersecurity resources to make it easy for ECCs to report a cyber incident, find real-world case studies, access cybersecurity education and training opportunities, learn about best practices to identify and protect networks from cyberattacks, and more!
Transition to NG911 Resources

NG911 systems, which operate on an Internet Protocol (IP) platform, enable interconnection among a wide range of public and private networks, such as wireless networks, the Internet, and regular phone networks. NG911 systems enhance the capabilities of today’s 911 networks, allowing compatibility with more types of communication, providing greater situational awareness to dispatchers and emergency responders, and establishing a level of resiliency not previously possible. NG911 will allow 911 centers to accept and process a range of information from responders and the public, including text, images, video, and voice calls. These resources provide information and tools to help 911 stakeholders transition to NG911.
Technology and Multimedia Considerations
Preparing for Technological Transformation in Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs) (.pdf, 131.91 KB) (2023)
This document highlights how ECCs can use emerging tools and technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), remote dispatching, and integrated cloud technologies, to supplement staffing, enhance data sharing, and improve delivery of critical emergency services.
Next Generation 911 (NG911) Incident-Related Imagery Impacts 101 (.pdf, 245.86 KB) (2021) (*)
This document provides public safety and emergency communications leadership with considerations for addressing acceptance of incident-related imagery through 911 systems, such as establishing data management policies and procedures, assessing training and educational requirements, supporting staff wellness, and assessing recruitment and retention polices.
(*) Denotes Archived Material: In an effort to keep current, the archive contains information that may not reflect current policy or programs.
Pathway to Maturity
ECPC Considerations for Establishing Agreements for NG911 (.pdf, 368.43 KB) (2025)
This document highlights considerations for establishing agreements for NG911, such as defining roles and responsibilities, resources and services, and technical requirements.
ECPC Fact Sheet for Executives: NG911 Transition (.pdf, 376.78 KB) (2025)
This document discusses the current NG911 environment, benefits and challenges of NG911 for federal agencies, and best practices for federal executives to transition to NG911.
NG911 Self-Assessment Tool
This easy-to-use checklist establishes a common terminology and identifies key milestones to help 911 call centers understand the multi-year NG911 implementation process.
To learn more about the Self-Assessment Tool and other helpful NG911 resources, visit
For any questions about the NG911 Self-Assessment Tool, please contact
Geographic Information System

The data produced by GIS is an essential component of NG911 and improving public safety communications. The public safety community relies on GIS data to accurately relay a caller’s location and dispatch emergency responders. GIS data can improve emergency response by providing accurate location information and critical geographic information to improve situational awareness.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Lifecycle Best Practice Guide (.pdf, 478.15 KB) (2020) (*)
This guide provides an overview of the GIS lifecycle, best practices for each phase of the lifecycle, and resources for GIS support. Public safety administrators, managers, and officials can use this document to familiarize themselves with GIS lifecycle best practices to help ensure they have implemented essential GIS components for NG911. Paired with the California Statewide NG911 GIS Use Case and City of Manassas, VA., GIS Use Case, it provides users with helpful tips for navigating the GIS lifecycle, including planning, governance, funding, and security considerations.
Case Studies
- California Statewide Next Generation 911 (NG911) Geographic Information System (GIS) Use Case (.pdf, 415 KB) (2021) (*)
This use case summarizes lessons learned from the State of California’s implementation of a statewide GIS as part of its transition to NG911. - City of Manassas, VA., GIS Use Case (.pdf, 203 KB) (2022)
This use case summarizes lessons learned from the City of Manassas’s implementation of a GIS as part of its transition to NG911.
(*) Denotes Archived Material: In an effort to keep current, the archive contains information that may not reflect current policy or programs.
Cybersecurity for 911 and NG911 Systems

911 centers are often targeted by malicious actors seeking to disrupt 911 operations and their ability to provide live-saving and critical emergency services to the public. These resources provide information on common attack vectors to 911 systems and best practices to mitigate cyber threats, such as ransomware, telephony denial-of-service (TDoS), and malware attacks.
Considerations for Cyber Disruptions in an Evolving 911 Environment (.pdf, 383.89 KB) (2023)
This document provides ECCs with considerations for developing and updating Continuity of Operations (COOP) plans to better respond to cyber disruption events as they transition to NG911.
Cyber Risks to 911: Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) (.pdf, 308.0 KB) (2020) (*)
This fact sheet familiarizes public safety communications partners with TDoS threats to 911. The document overviews common TDoS attack vectors, highlights real-world TDoS incidents, and suggests best practices to mitigate TDoS impacts.
Cyber Risks to Next Generation 911 White Paper (.pdf, 1.0 MB) (2019) (*)
This white paper provides an overview of the cyber risks that will be faced by NG911 systems. It is intended to serve only as an informational tool for system administrators to better understand the full scope and range of potential risks, as well as recommend mitigations to these risks. Developed by CISA in conjunction with the Department of Transportation, the White Paper is an introduction to improving the cybersecurity posture of NG911 systems nationwide.
Two Things Every 911 Center Should Do to Improve Cybersecurity (.pdf, 623.9 KB) (2025)
This document highlights actionable steps that ECCs/PSAPs can take to enhance their cybersecurity posture. It provides resources to help ECCs/PSAPs conduct cyber risk assessments and develop cyber incident response and vulnerability response plans to protect, mitigate, and respond to cyberattacks.

Protect Your Center from Ransomware Poster (.pdf, 1.61 MB) (2020) (*)
The ransomware poster can be placed in an ECC, PSAP, 911 Call or Dispatch Center. The poster provides information about what ECC staff can do to reduce the risk of ransomware. Although the poster’s focus is on ransomware, its recommendations are applicable across a range of cyber threats like phishing, social engineering and password management.
To request an agency or state-specific poster, please follow the directions on the PSAP Ransomware Fact Sheet (.pdf, 192 KB).
For more information on ransomware, please visit CISA's Stop Ransomware site.
Case Studies
The Cyber Incident Response Case Studies for ECCs/PSAPs Suite highlights best practices from ECCs and PSAPs responding to real-world cyber incidents. The documents provide actionable tips to help ECCs and PSAPs prepare for and respond to cyber incidents.
- Malware Attacks: Lessons Learned from an ECC (.pdf, 287 KB) (2022) highlights the experience of a local ECC with a malware attack, which impacted their computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system, and lessons learned from this event.
- Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS) Attacks: Lessons Learned from a PSAP (.pdf, 257 KB) (2022) showcases a local PSAP’s experience with a multi-year TDoS attack and the actions they took to protect their center.
- Cyber Incident Response to PSAPs: A State’s Perspective (.pdf, 260 KB) (2022)) provides insight to state-level responses to a cyber incident at a PSAP and shares their lessons learned from these responses.
Additional Resources
- 911 Cybersecurity Best Practices Package
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) presents this compilation of documents to the Collaborative Coalition for International Public Safety, representing a variety of resources and guidance on cybersecurity for the 911 community and public safety at large.
For more resources visit SAFECOM Resources, SAFECOM Technology, or the SAFECOM homepage.