ChemLock Exercises

Do you have a plan in place on how to handle a security scenario concerning your chemicals? If not, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) ChemLock program can help you develop a security plan.
If you do have a plan in place, CISA’s ChemLock Exercises can help you test that plan. Facilities can request CISA expertise in facilitating a live tailored tabletop exercise.
CISA also offers CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages (CTEPs), drills and general materials to help facilities conduct exercises that are tailored specifically for chemical security.
Run Your Own Chemical Security Tabletop Exercise
CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages (CTEPs) assist stakeholders in conducting their own exercises. The ChemLock exercises below are tailored specifically for chemical security, are no-cost to download, and include the scenario-specific situation manual, planner handbook, facilitator/evaluator handbook, and assorted forms and templates.
ChemLock Tabletop Exercises
These ChemLock exercise packages are tailored specifically for chemical security and include scenarios such as active shooter, active threat, cyberattack, drones, vehicle ramming, and more.
CTEP Package Documents
These CTEP documents include fact sheet, PowerPoint, feedback surveys, handbooks, manuals, templates, and more to help facilitate a general exercise.
Physical Security Scenarios
These CTEPs are focused on physical security scenarios for a variety of industries and sectors.
Cybersecurity Scenarios
These CTEPs are focused on cybersecurity scenarios, such as industrial control systems (ICS), ransomware, insider threats, phishing and more.
Request a Facilitated Chemical Security Exercise
Facilities can request CISA expertise in facilitating a live tailored tabletop exercise. To request a live exercise, please fill out the ChemLock Services Request Form below. Due to resource constraints, facilitated exercises are dependent on availability.
Request CISA's Assistance with an Exercise
CISA will initiate several short planning meetings with the requestor to determine the best fit for the facility. Live exercises can run between 2 to 6 hours depending on the complexity and needs of a facility.
After the exercise or drill is complete, CISA will help the facility develop an after-action summary to help facilities evaluate the effectiveness of the security measures tested during the exercise or drill.
Other ChemLock Services and Tools
From on-site consultations to chemical security publications, the CISA ChemLock program offers scalable, tailored options for facilities looking to enhance their chemical security posture.

ChemLock On-Site Assessments and Assistance
The ChemLock program provides on-site assistance and assessments that can help your facility identify the security risks your on-site chemicals present and offer tailored, scalable suggestions for security measures that work best for you.

ChemLock Resources
ChemLock resources are no-cost, publicly available guidance documents, templates, fact sheets, and flyers to help you enhance the cyber and physical security surrounding your chemicals.

ChemLock Training
CISA offers live, on-demand training to assist owners, operators, and facility personnel with understanding the threats that chemicals pose and what security measures can be put into place to reduce the risk of dangerous chemicals being weaponized.

ChemLock: Special Access to Other CISA Services
In addition to the ChemLock services and tools that CISA provides specific to chemical security, CISA offers a variety of other resources and tools that facilities with dangerous chemicals may also find useful.
ChemLock Contact Information
For more information or questions, please email