ChemLock Resources
The ChemLock resources are no-cost, publicly available guidance documents, templates, fact sheets, and flyers to help facilities enhance the cyber and physical security surrounding their chemicals.
ChemLock Guidance Documents
ChemLock chemical security guidance documents help walk your facility with dangerous chemicals step-by-step through the process of developing and implementing a facility security plan tailored to your unique circumstances and business needs.
ChemLock General Fact Sheets
These are general ChemLock resources that explain what the program is and provide an overview of how ChemLock can help your facility enhance your security posture.
ChemLock Security Consideration Fact Sheets
These fact sheets provide specifics on chemical product stewardship, preparing for no-notice events, budget friendly security measures, drone activities, reporting suspicious activity and incidents, and conducting a self-assessment.
ChemLock Security Goal Fact Sheets
These fact sheets provide an overview for the ChemLock program's security goals that facilities may consider as you evaluate and implement security measures tailored to your facility’s unique circumstances and business model.
ChemLock Templates
These customizable templates can be downloaded and used to help your facility or organization enhance your chemical security posture.
ChemLock Services Flyers
These are printer-friendly flyers for the ChemLock services that can be used to promote ChemLock services.
ChemLock Tabletop Exercises
The ChemLock exercise packages are tailored specifically for chemical security and include scenarios such as active shooter, active threat, cyberattack, drones, vehicle ramming, and more.
ChemLock Industry-Specific Resources
Chemicals are used, manufactured, stored, and transported across many different industries that touch nearly every aspect of American life. These resources provide industry-specific information regarding the ChemLock program.

ChemLock Services Request Form
To request to have a chemical security expert come to your facility or provide more information on any of these resources or any of the CISA ChemLock services or tools, please fill out the ChemLock Services Request Form.
ChemLock Services and Tools
From on-site assistance to chemical security exercises and training courses, the ChemLock program offers scalable, tailored options for facilities looking to enhance their chemical security posture by developing a facility security plan.

ChemLock: On-Site Assessments and Assistance
CISA's ChemLock program provides on-site assistance and assessments that can help your facility identify the security risks your on-site chemicals present and offer tailored, scalable suggestions for security measures that work best for you.

ChemLock Resources
ChemLock resources are no-cost, publicly available guidance documents, templates, fact sheets, and flyers to help you enhance the cyber and physical security surrounding your chemicals.

ChemLock Exercises
ChemLock Exercises can help facilities test a security plan by either facilitating a live tailored tabletop exercise or providing CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages (CTEPs) that facilities can download and use as needed.

ChemLock Training
CISA offers live, on-demand training to assist owners, operators, and facility personnel with understanding the threats that chemicals pose and what security measures can be put into place to reduce the risk of dangerous chemicals being weaponized.
Contact Information
For more information or questions, please email