Meeting Facilitation Guide

An Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF) Resource

Meeting Facilitation Guide

An Infrastructure Resilience Planning Framework (IRPF) Resource

Instructions: This facilitation guide can be used to start group discussions about critical infrastructure functions and dependencies. The recommended group size is four to eight people. The output can inform facility priorities, plans, or project funding proposals to reduce risk to the community or region. The discussion can be enhanced with a map of systems, including those that cross boundaries. The participation of utility owners and operators can be especially valuable during this process as they often have a deep understanding of their dependencies and risks to their systems. This guide also includes a participant handout which illustrates the types of critical functions that depend on infrastructure systems.

Duration (30 mins) Topic/Question Facilitation Guidance Output
5 min

Function/service impact:

What are the essential facilities and the functions they provide within the community or region?

  • Present the question and open discussion (present a map of major utilities or corridors, if available)
  • Have the group think about consequences to the community if the functions or facilities went down
  • Choose one of the essential functions or facilities to focus on
List identified functions (on chart below)
5 min


What infrastructure systems/services are needed to carry out this function or enable the facility to operate?

  • Present the question
  • Provide a handout listing lifeline infrastructure systems and/or show them on a map or graphic
  • Point on the map to sources of energy, communications, transportation, water/wastewater

(on chart below)

  • List identified systems/services
  • Draw diagram
  • Circle them on map
Diagram of identified systems/serevices
5 min


What other facilities or systems depend on this function for their own operation?

  • Present the question
  • Provide an example — sewer lift station depends on power to operate, the elementary school depends on the sewer lift station to remove wastewater and prevent sewage buildup

Add 3 ideas to downstream side of diagram

Diagram of identified systems/services with downstream side added
10 min


Given this short discussion, which facilities, systems, or services are most critical to reducing the impact of future hazards on the community?

Planning and Implementation:

Are there any new ideas for mitigation projects that have occurred to you (public or private actions)?*

  • Present the questions
  • Instruct the group to individually jot down their thoughts and then share with their neighbor or table (depending on size)
  • After 6 minutes, have each group report out a couple of their collective ideas
  • Facilitate discussion and report out
  • Document report out
  • Collect notes
*Some critical systems or facilities are likely privately owned or under another agency's authority. What other parties should be involved if you are planning to mitigate risk to infrastructure?



Critical Facilities with Essential Functions

  • Education
  • Government
  • Emergency Services
  • Healthcare
  • Shelter
  • Food & Water
  • Business
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing

Lifeline Infrastructure Systems/Services

Electric power substations, transmission lines, generation facility
Natural gas pipelines, storage, extraction facility
Fuel distribution station, storage, production facility
Phone cell towers, phone lines (aerial or buried)
Internet cables (aerial or buried), routers
SCADA/Industrial Control System
Road highways, bridges
Rail rail lines, stations/hubs, railyards
Maritime ports, rivers
Water treatment plants, pump stations, storage tanks, pipelines
Wastewater treatment plants, lift stations, sewer lines

Dependency Thinking

What is this dependent on — What services/systems are needed to enable the critical facility to carry out its essential function?

What depends on this — What other facilities depend upon the critical facility for their own operation?