System Owner/Operator Dependency Interview Guide

System Owner/Operator Dependency Interview Guide
A system is a set of things working together as parts of an interconnected network A dependency is a relationship of reliance within and among systems that must be maintained for those systems to function or provide services |
What infrastructure systems does your system rely on for operations?
- Does the facility or system depend on public water utilities for normal operations?
- Does the facility or system depend on an external electrical utility provider as your primary electric power source?
- Is there on-site generator capacity or contracted generator capacity?
- What portion of operations can it sustain?
- Is there a plan in place for fuel delivery?
- Does the facility or system depend on natural gas or fuel?
- Does the facility or system rely on communications systems to function (internet, industrial control technology/SCADA)?
- Does the facility or system rely on key transportation routes (road, rail, maritime, air) for access (ingress/egress) or delivery of inbound/outbound materials?
- Does the facility or system depend on external suppliers for daily operations (e.g. raw goods/chemicals/other inputs)?
- Does the facility or system depend on public services (Police, Fire, etc.)?
- Does the facility or system depend on specialized personnel to operate?
Infrastructure Systems
Within your system, are there particular nodes or facilities that are especially critical to system operations? (i.e., single points of failure)
How would your system operate if any of the critical nodes/facilities were disabled?
- How long could the system or facility operate if it lost a critical service on which it is dependent?
- Does the facility have an alternate means of operating?
- What is the estimated time to restore operations?
- Is the system or facility able to operate at partial capacity, and if so, is there a priority arrangement for downstream customers?
What plans/partners does your system have in place to get alternate critical services following a disaster?
Does your system or critical facilities have redundant providers of critical services?
How might your continuity, emergency, restoration, and recovery plans depend on other governmental or private sector actions or entities to executed?
How would you want to engage with government or public utility providers to enhance security and resilience of your operations in the face of a human or natural threat or hazard?