Explosive Blast Modeling (EBM) Assessment
The Office for Bombing Prevention’s (OBP) Explosive Blast Modeling (EBM) Program uses current blast modeling technologies and tools to provide a physics-based, 3D-model used for anti-terrorism and force protection against Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks. Assessments can be conducted on existing critical infrastructure facilities or open-air special events such as parades, concerts, or other large gatherings. These assessments help identify and visualize gaps in the existing access controls and allowable standoff at venues, critical infrastructure facilities, and special events.
EBM typically works with a Region’s Protective Security Advisor (PSA), facility owners, or additional stakeholders involved. The group assesses the most likely threats for a venue, develops a model and selects the threat locations where desired.
The EBM Program uses software and methodologies that incorporate relevant blast codes and building codes to generate a visualized report of the facilities assessed. EBM results provide a visual guide to stakeholders portraying several types of outputs such as structural and injury specific effects. These visuals also assist in planning efforts of crowded areas which can help medical mitigation and planning efforts. The outputs from the EBM Program can range from presentations to reports.

Additional Information
For more information about the EBM Program, please refer to the EBM fact sheet.
For more information about the EBM Program or to request an assessment, contact us at EBM@cisa.dhs.gov or coordinate through your local Protective Security Advisor (PSA).
To report suspicious activity, call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement.