Information Technology Sector
Sector Details
The Information Technology Sector is central to the nation's security, economy, public health, and safety, as businesses, governments, academia, and private citizens are increasingly dependent on its functions. These virtual and distributed functions produce and provide hardware, software, and information technology systems and services, and—in collaboration with the Communications Sector—the Internet. The sector's complex and dynamic environment makes identifying threats and assessing vulnerabilities difficult, requiring these tasks to be addressed in a collaborative and creative fashion.
Information Technology Sector functions are operated by a combination of entities—often owners and operators and their respective associations—that maintain and reconstitute the network, including the Internet. Although information technology infrastructure has a certain level of inherent resilience, its interdependent and interconnected structure presents challenges as well as opportunities for coordinating public and private sector preparedness and protection activities.
Sector-Specific Plan
The Information Technology Sector-Specific Plan details how the National Infrastructure Protection Plan risk management framework is implemented within the context of the unique characteristics and risk landscape of the sector. Each Sector Risk Management Agency develops a sector-specific plan through a coordinated effort involving its public and private sector partners. The Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector Risk Management Agency for the Information Technology Sector.
Information Technology Sector Risk Management Agency
CISA offers many resources to help owners and operators manage risks, improve security, and aid the implementation and execution of protective and response measures across the Information Technology Services Sector. This printer-friendly fact sheet lists a sampling of sector collaboration mechanisms, resources, and training materials.