List of Federal Financial Assistance Programs Funding Emergency Communications
This list identifies federal financial assistance programs (i.e., grants, loans, cooperative agreements) that support emergency communications investments. Periodic updates will be posted on this page as new programs are announced. Note that other opportunities may exist. Entities seeking funding should refer to the federal government website to determine if other opportunities are available. In addition, refer to the specific Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), as this is a summary of program information related to emergency communications and does not reflect all program requirements.
For ease of use, this list is divided into tables organized by federal departments and agencies, which offer federal financial assistance programs funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 (Public Law No. 116–94), the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (Public Law No. 116–260), the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 (Public Law No. 117–103), other legislation (e.g., American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), and departmental discretion. While the federal programs included may not focus primarily on emergency communications, the program goals, objectives, and allowable costs may support activities to further the emergency communications mission. This list aims to identify programs that may otherwise be overlooked by state, local, tribal, and territorial government applicants.
Fiscal Years 2020 - 2024 Appropriations
This resource includes newly released programs and closed funding opportunities for awareness of both what’s available now and what annual programs may soon be released. While some of the included grants have past application deadlines, prospective applicants should familiarize themselves with which programs may be a good fit for their goals in advance of additional rounds of funding. For one-time grant offerings, stakeholders may collaborate with their area’s recipients to participate in federally funded activities. Thus, grants awarded several years ago may still provide opportunities for emergency communications within their period of performance.
Grant Updates

The following are the latest updates to the grants list below:
Open grants are marked with an asterisk (*) in the list below. List updated on March 13, 2025.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Rural Housing Services (RHS)
- Community Facilities Program Disaster Repair Grants*
The Community Facilities Program provides grants to repair essential community facilities in rural areas that were damaged by Presidentially Declared Disasters in Calendar Year (CY) 2022 or to repair or replace essential community facilities damaged by Presidentially Declared Disasters in CY 2023 and Other Disasters in CY 2023.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Up to $50,000,000 Applications are accepted year-round. Contact local office to discuss a specific project. Applicants will be carefully scored and prioritized to determine which projects should be selected for further development and funding; minimum 25% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: City, township, county, and federally recognized tribal governments, and non profits located in rural areas
- Objectives: Funds to develop or improve essential public services and facilities in communities across rural America
- Equipment: Construction, expansion, or improvement of facilities that provide health care, education, public safety, and public services including fire and rescue stations
Rural Utilities Service (RUS)
- Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA)*
The Broadband Technical Assistance program encourages the expansion of broadband services in rural areas. BTA activities include project planning and community engagement, financial sustainability, environmental compliance, construction planning and engineering, accessing federal resources, and data collection and reporting.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $15,000,000 for technical assistance providers, $10,000,000 for technical assistance recipients 8/20/2024 Eligible projects are scored based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations, state and local governments, territories or possessions of the United States, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, cooperatives or mutual organizations, corporations, and limited liability companies or limited liability partnerships
- Objectives: Funds support the delivery of technical assistance and training to rural communities in need of broadband and rural broadband providers
- Planning and Organization: Identify, plan, and deliver broadband service to rural areas
- Training: Development of training sessions; joint delivery of training of USDA Rural Development programs
- Community Connect
The Community Connect program serves rural communities where broadband service is least likely to be available, but where it can make a tremendous difference in the quality of life for citizens. Projects funded by these grants will help rural residents tap into the enormous potential of the internet.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Minimum grant request amount of $100,000 and maximum of $3,000,000 per application 2/20/2024 Applicants will be carefully scored and prioritized to determine which projects should be selected for further development and funding; minimum 15% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and local governments, federally- recognized tribes, nonprofits, for-profit corporations. Rural areas that lack existing broadband speed of at least 10 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream
- Objectives: Funds broadband deployment into rural communities where it is not yet economically viable for private sector providers to deliver service
- Equipment: Construction, expansion, improvement or acquisition of community center; broadband expansion, construction of communication towers
- Community Facilities*
Community Facilities programs provide loans, grants, and loan guarantees for essential community facilities in rural areas and towns up to 20,000 in population. Priority is given to health care, education, and public safety projects.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Graduated Scale Applications are accepted year-round. Contact local office to discuss a specific project Applicants will be carefully scored and prioritized to determine which projects should be selected for further development and funding; varying match requirements Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Municipalities, counties, parishes, boroughs, special-purpose districts, nonprofit corporations or associations, and tribal governments
- Objectives: Funds the purchase, construction, or improvement of essential community facilities
- Planning and Organization: Costs of acquiring interest on land
- Equipment: Construction and development of hospitals, health clinics, schools, fire houses, community centers, and many other community-based initiatives
- Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training (TAT) Grant
The purpose of the TAT grant program is to provide associations technical assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Grant awards may not exceed $150,000 7/3/2024 Eligible projects are scored based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Public bodies, nonprofit organizations, and federally-recognized tribes
- Objectives: Funds for technical assistance and training to help grantees identify and plan for community facility needs in their area
- Planning and Organization: Assistance to communities in identifying and planning for community facility needs; identification of resources to finance community facility needs; report and survey preparation necessary to request financial assistance to develop community facilities; preparation of applications for financial assistance from Rural Development; administrative and financial operations management improvement; assistance with other areas of need identified by the Secretary of Agriculture
- Distance Learning and Telemedicine (DLT)
The purpose of the DLT program is to fund telecommunications enabled information, audio and video equipment, and related advanced technologies which extend educational and medical applications into rural areas. Funds may also be used to provide for communication upgrades between ambulances, emergency transportation vehicles, and medical facilities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Minimum grant request amount of $50,000 and maximum grant request of $1,000,000 per application 3/6/2025 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the NOFO; minimum 15% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Entities that provide education or health care through telecommunications, including most state and local governmental entities, federally-recognized tribes, nonprofits, for- profit businesses, and consortia of eligible entities
- Objectives: Funds rural communities use of telecommunications to connect to each other and to the world, overcoming the effects of remoteness and low population density
- Equipment: Acquisition of eligible capital assets, such as broadband transmission facilities; audio, video, and interactive video equipment; terminal and data terminal equipment; computer hardware, network components, and software; inside wiring and similar infrastructure that further DLT services
- Personnel/Training: Instructional programming that is a capital asset, technical assistance, and instruction for using equipment
- ReConnect Loan and Grant Program
The ReConnect Program provides loans, grants, and loan/grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in rural areas. In facilitating the expansion of broadband services and infrastructure, the program will fuel long-term rural economic development and opportunities in rural America.
100% Loan Program Amount 50% Loan – 50% Grant Combination Program Amount 100% Grant Program Amount 100% Grant for Tribal Governments and Socially Vulnerable Communities Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Up to $150,000,000 Up to $300,000,000 ($150,000,000 for loans and $150,000,000 for grants) Up to $150,000,000 Up to $350,000,000 11/2/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Corporations; Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships; cooperatives or mutual organizations; states or local governments, including any agency or subdivision; a territory or possession of the United States; and tribes. Additional information on eligible applicants and service areas can be found in the NOFO
- Objectives: Funds to build infrastructure and install equipment that provides modern, reliable, high-speed Internet service in rural America
- Allowable Costs: Costs of construction, improvement, or acquisition of facilities and equipment needed to facilitate broadband deployment in rural areas
- Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program*
The Infrastructure Program provides long-term direct and guaranteed loans to qualified organizations for the purpose of financing the improvement, expansion, construction, acquisition, and operation of telephone lines, facilities, or systems to furnish and improve Telecommunications, 911, and Emergency Communications services in rural areas.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Graduated Scale Applications for this program are accepted through the General Field Representative year-round Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and local government entities, federally-recognized tribes, nonprofit corporations, and for-profit businesses
- Objectives: Funds construction, maintenance, improvement, and expansion of telephone service and broadband in rural areas
- Planning and Organization: Acquisitions and refinancing
- Equipment: Improvement, expansions, and construction of 911 activities and services related to emergency response efforts
United States Forest Service (USFS)
- Cohesive Fire Strategy Grants
The Cohesive Fire Strategy Grants consist of three combined opportunities: Cross-Boundary Wildfire Hazard Mitigation on Non-Federal Lands, Wildfire Risk Reduction, and Wildfire Preparedness grants. These opportunities are designed to support and carry out the goals of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $4,800,000; applicants may request $25,000 up to $300,000 per application 1/14/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement. Minimum 100% match requirement for Wildfire Risk Reduction and Wildfire Preparedness grants Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and local government entities, federally-recognized tribes, nonprofit corporations, and public- and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Objectives: Improve wildfire response by implementing safe, effective, and efficient risk-based wildfire management decisions
- Equipment: Purchase of supplies, radios, and firefighting tools (allowable through the Wildfire Preparedness grant)
- Community Wildfire Defense Grant
The purpose of the Community Wildfire Defense Grant is to assist at-risk local communities and tribes with planning for and mitigating against the risk created by wildfire. The grant has four regional solicitations: Northeast-Midwest, Southern, Tribes, and West.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $250,000,000 10/31/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement. Specific match requirements can be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Local governments, tribes, nonprofit organizations, state forestry agencies, and Alaska Native Corporations
- Objectives: Assist a community with planning to address management of wildfire risk and mitigation measures or actions to reduce wildfire risk
- Personnel: Direct staff support for community wildfire mitigation leadership/coordination and to assist in creation of a local or regional mitigation partnership
- Planning: Creation or update of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan or development of a wildfire section for a hazard mitigation plan
- Training: Tabletop or functional exercises to test effectiveness of community wildfire planning; training in the use of proven effective mitigation practices, such as the Forest Service’s
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Economic Development Agency (EDA)
- American Rescue Plan Act Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC)
The BBBRC program aims to assist communities and regions impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The program is designed as a two-phase competition to help regions develop transformational economic development strategies and fund the implementation of those strategies.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Phase I awards available up to $30,000,000; Phase II awards available up to $75,000,000 Phase I applications are due 10/19/2021; Phase II applications are due 5/15/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District; tribe or consortium of tribes; state, county, city, or other local governments engaged in economic or infrastructure activities; institutions of higher education; public or private nonprofits acting in cooperation with state officials
- Objectives: Promote innovation and competitiveness, preparing American regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy
- Construction: Activities for eligible entities include telecommunications infrastructure and broadband construction
- American Rescue Plan Act Indigenous Communities
The Indigenous Communities program is designed support indigenous communities as they respond to and recover from the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, including long-term recovery and resilience to future economic disasters.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $100,000,000 divided among six regional offices by population Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis; entities are encouraged to apply by 3/31/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Tribes or consortiums of tribes as defined by section 3(4) of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965; a public or private nonprofit organization serving Native Hawaiians, the Native Pacific Islanders of Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau
- Objectives: Assist indigenous communities in recovering economically from the coronavirus pandemic
- Construction: Activities for eligible entities include broadband construction
- American Rescue Plan Act Statewide Planning, Research, and Networks*
The Statewide Planning, Research, and Networks program seeks to build regional economies for the future through two primary avenues: Statewide Planning; and Research and Networks. The program aims to help develop coordinated statewide plans for economic development through communities of practice and provisions of technical assistance among existing and new EDA grant recipients.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $90,000,000; $59,000,000 available for Statewide Planning grants and $31,000,000 available for Research and Communities of Practice Challenge awards Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis until either the publication of a new NOFO, the cancellation of the program, or all funds have been expended Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District; tribe or consortium of tribes; state, county, city, or other local governments engaged in economic or infrastructure activities; institutions of higher education; public or private nonprofits acting in cooperation with state officials. For Statewide Planning grants, eligible applicants are limited to the Governor's Office or equivalent
- Objectives: Build regional economies for the future via planning, research, and the development of networks
- Planning: Support statewide broadband data collection and mapping efforts and develop statewide broadband deployment and technical assistance plans
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Project
SBIR’s goal is to strengthen the role of innovative small business concerns in federally-funded research and development. Among other priorities, the NIST SBIR is focused on advanced communications, networks and scientific data systems, as well as cybersecurity and privacy.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Phase I awards are limited to $100,000; Phase II awards are limited to $400,000 Phase I applications are due 12/27/2024; Phase II applications are to be announced Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Organizational entity that qualifies as an Small Business Concern for Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) purposes at the time of award
- Objectives: Stimulate technological innovation; use small business to meet Federal R/R&D needs; foster and encourage participation by socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses; increase private sector commercialization of innovation derived from federal R/R&D
- Research and Development: Activities that enable secure, reliable, high-speed wireless and wireline communications critical to U.S. economic competitiveness, safety, and security; activities that strengthen the security of the digital environment through a portfolio bridging foundational and applied cybersecurity research, and through the development of publicly available standards and technical guidance
- Public Safety Innovation Accelerator Program – Public Safety Communications Research (PSIAP-PSCR)
The goal of the PSIAP-PSCR program is to research, develop, and test technologies to improve first responder communications and operations. This funding opportunity supports the emerging Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network and recognizes the urgent need for first responders to have access to the same broadband communications and innovative technologies that consumers on commercial networks now expect.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $7,000,000 1/18/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, nonprofits, for-profit organizations, nonacademic organizations, and institutions of higher learning
- Objectives: Accelerate research and development around the use of mission critical voice, location-based services, and user interface/user experience for improving public safety communication technologies
- Research Partnership: Applicants are required to develop partnerships with Public Safety Organizations (PSOs), which include U.S. federal, state, and local emergency medical services, fire services, law enforcement, and public safety communications/911 centers. At least one PSO involved in the project must be an active or volunteer department or agency
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
- Broadband Infrastructure Program
The purpose of the Broadband Infrastructure Program is to provide federal funding to deploy broadband infrastructure to eligible service areas of the country.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $288,000,000 8/17/2021 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Partnerships between a state, or one or more political subdivisions of a state, and a provider of fixed broadband service
- Objectives: Provide qualifying broadband service for census blocks in which broadband service is not available at one or more households or businesses
- Personnel: Salaries and fringe benefits for staff and consultants
- Equipment: Construction, improvement, and/or acquisition of facilities and telecommunications equipment required for qualifying broadband service
- Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
The purpose of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program is to improve quality of life, spur economic development and commercial activity, and create opportunities for remote employment and online entrepreneurship, remote learning, and telehealth by expanding broadband access and providing digital training programs to Native American communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $980,000,000 1/23/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement. Not less than 3% of the total amount of program funding will be allocated to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf of the Native Hawaiian Community, and up to $500,000 will be allocated to each of the federally-recognized tribes delineated by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Indian Affairs Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Tribal governments; tribal colleges or universities; the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands on behalf of the Native Hawaiian Community, including Native Hawaiian education programs; tribal organizations; and Alaska Native corporations
- Objectives: Funds to expand access to and adoption of broadband service on Tribal Land or for programs that promote the use of broadband to access remote learning, telework, or telehealth resources during the COVID–19 pandemic
- Personnel: Personnel salaries, wages, and fringe benefits for persons working directly on the grant; subaward and third-party contractor costs; stipends, internships or fellowships
- Planning: Feasibility and sustainability studies; engineering and network design, including route mapping for broadband infrastructure, permitting and work related to environmental, historical, and cultural reviews
- Equipment: Construction, improvement, replacement, extension or acquisition of facilities and telecommunications equipment required to provide qualifying broadband service; equipment and devices to support connectivity for telehealth and remote education such as laptops, tablets, and hotspots
- Training: Workforce training; travel expenses for key project staff and consultants; staff and volunteer training
- Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant (MMG) Program
The MMG provides funding for the construction, improvement, or acquisition of middle mile infrastructure.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $980,000,000 9/30/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, political subdivision of a State, Tribal government, technology company, electric utility, utility cooperative, public utility district, telecommunications company, telecommunications cooperative, nonprofit foundation, nonprofit corporation, nonprofit institution, nonprofit association, regional planning council, Native entity, economic development authority, or any partnership of two (2) or more of these entities
- Objectives: Funds to expand and extend middle mile infrastructure to reduce the cost of connecting areas that are unserved or underserved to the “internet backbone”
- Personnel: Salaries and fringe benefits for staff and consultants required for the implementation of the MMG Program
- Equipment: Construction, improvement, and/or acquisition of facilities and telecommunications equipment required to deploy middle mile broadband facilities
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Administration for Native Americans (ANA)
- Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS)
SEDS is focused on community-driven projects designed to grow local economies, strengthen Native American families, including the preservation of Native American cultures, and decrease the high rate of current challenges caused by the lack of community-based businesses, and social and economic infrastructure in Native American communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Minimum grant request amount of $100,000 and maximum grant request of $400,000, per application FY 2021 applications are due 6/30/2021; FY 2022 applications are due 5/23/2022; FY 2023 applications are due 3/31/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement; minimum 20% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and local governments, which may include a territory; freely associated state, county, city, or township; or special district governments
- Objectives: Funds to advance development of effective public health emergency management and response programs and to identify areas for improved readiness and recovery
- Personnel: Staff to assist with planning, training, and exercises
- Planning: Whole community planning for all populations, including tribal engagement; all hazards planning
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises; Continuity of operations and administrative preparedness plans tested via tabletop exercises
- Equipment: Equipment that supports public health emergency preparedness activities
- Social and Economic Development Strategies for Alaska (SEDS-AK)
SEDS-AK provides targeted support for village-specific projects to improve and strengthen the administrative and management capacity of Alaska Native village governments that are central to social and economic self-sufficiency in Alaska. The program intends to support community-driven projects that build and strengthen core governmental capacity in the areas of administration and project management.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Minimum grant request amount of $50,000 and maximum grant request of $300,000, per application FY 2021 applications are due 6/30/2021; FY 2022 applications are due 5/23/2022; FY 2023 applications are due 3/31/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement; minimum 20% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes in Alaska and other Alaskan tribal entities, as described in the funding announcement
- Objectives: Funds to promote social and economic self-sufficiency for Alaska Natives
- Planning: Planning, analysis, and mitigation efforts relating to emergency preparedness and response to ensure needed services, increase communications, coordinate preparedness, enhance situational responsiveness, and strengthen recovery efforts at the village level
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
- Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP)
HPP prepares the health care delivery system to save lives
during emergencies that exceed the day-to-day capacity of health care and
emergency response systems. This program plans to fund five 12-month budget periods for a total period of performance of five years beginning on July 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2029.Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based Up to $1,200,000,000 6/18/2024; non-competitive continuation of funding opportunities available for recipients Cooperative agreement is awarded to states or consortium of states with 10% matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, or township, and special district governments
- Objectives: Plan for and respond to emergencies and disasters by addressing community needs, building connectivity, and saving lives
- Personnel: Staff to assist with planning, training, and exercises
- Planning: Engage emergency communications stakeholders in planning; develop assessments and inventories
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
- Public Health Crisis Response Cooperative Agreement
The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to enhance the nation's ability to rapidly mobilize, surge, and respond to public health emergencies (PHEs) as identified by the CDC by establishing a roster of approved but unfunded applicants that may receive rapid funding to respond to identified PHEs.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based $500,000,000 2/5/2024 Cooperative agreement awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, township, or special district governments; tribes
- Objectives: Prepare the nation to respond to PHEs of such magnitude, complexity, or significance that would have an overwhelming impact upon jurisdictions
- Allowable Costs: Funds to strengthen community resilience, incident management for early crisis response, information management, countermeasures and mitigation, and bio surveillance. Eligible activities include establishing call centers, standing up emergency operations centers, and updating response and recovery plans
- Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement
PHEP’s purpose is to strengthen and enhance the capabilities of state, local, and territorial public health systems to respond effectively (e.g., mitigate the loss of life and reduce the threats to the community’s health and safety) to evolving threats and other emergencies, and improve the readiness of the public health system to save lives during emergencies that exceed the day-to-day capacity and capability of the public health emergency response systems.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based $3,268,693,045 4/24/2024 Cooperative agreement with cost sharing of 10% of awarded amount Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, or township, and special district governments
- Objectives: Funds to advance development of effective public health emergency management and response programs
- Personnel: Staff to assist with planning, training, and exercises Planning: Whole community planning for all populations, including tribal engagement
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises; Continuity of operations and administrative preparedness plans tested via tabletop exercises
- Equipment: Personal protective equipment
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
- Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program – Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Supplement*
The purpose of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex Program) - EMS Supplement is to enable states to establish or expand programs for the provision of rural EMS by strengthening the EMS workforce in rural areas through recruitment, retention, and financial and operational strategies.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive 2,000,000 4/25/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement; no match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State recipients funded under HRSA-24-002, Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program
- Objectives: To build up and retain rural EMS workforce as appropriate for the community, increase the percentage of runs/transports that are submitted for billing by rural EMS agencies, and address the shortage of EMS providers in rural areas which will increase the availability of critical and lifesaving services
- Planning: Establishing career advancement programs for EMS staff as part of the hiring process; working with local schools and community colleges to recruit students interested in EMS; educating community leaders on the need for volunteers and/or paid staff; establishing cost-sharing agreements for billing services with other agencies; addressing fatigue and mental health toll of EMS work
- Training: Training on EMS billing assistance; travel costs for training/certification; assistance with training/certification costs
- Telehealth Technology-Enabled Learning Program (TTELP)
The purpose of TTELP is to connect specialists at academic medical centers with primary care providers (PCPs) in rural, frontier, and underserved populations, providing evidence-based training and support to help them treat patients with complex conditions in their communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Up to $4,275,000 6/25/2021 Cooperative agreement awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Faith- and community-based organizations, federally-recognized tribes, tribal organizations, and other domestic public or private, nonprofit or for-profit entities with demonstrated experience utilizing telehealth technologies to assist rural underserved populations
- Objectives: Funds to develop learning community models that emphasize collaborative partnerships between providers to facilitate training and disseminate best practice specialty care to PCPs and care teams in rural, frontier, and underserved populations
- Personnel: Compensation of specialists and referring health care providers
- Planning: Developing projects to use telehealth technology to facilitate collaboration between health care providers
- Equipment: Developing and acquiring computer hardware and software, audio and video equipment, computer network equipment, interactive equipment, data terminal equipment, and other equipment that furthers program objectives; equipment maintenance
- Rural Health Network Development (RHND) Program
The purpose of the RHND Program is to support integrated health care networks who collaborate to achieve efficiencies; expand access to, coordinate, and improve the quality of basic health care services and associated health outcomes; and strengthen the rural health care system.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $13,200,000 11/22/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit entities, including faith-based, community-based, tribes and tribal organizations, with demonstrated experience serving, or the capacity to serve, rural underserved populations
- Objectives: Funds to address gaps in service, enhance systems of care, and expand capacity of the local rural health care system
- Planning: Implementing telehealth services and Health Information Technology/Exchange and Meaningful Use (MU)
- Rural Health Network Development Planning Program*
The purpose of the Rural Health Network Development Planning Program is to promote the planning and development of integrated health care networks that collaborate to address the following legislative aims: (i) achieve efficiencies; (ii) expand access to and improve the quality of basic health care services and health outcomes; and (iii) strengthen the rural health care system as a whole.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $3,500,000 2/19/2025 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit entities, community based, tribes and tribal organizations. State, county, city, township, and special district governments. Additional information on eligibility can be found in the NOFO
- Objectives: Funds planning of integrated health care networks to establish and/or improve local capacity in order to strengthen rural community health interventions and enhance coordination.
- Planning: Identifying strategies to leverage broadband connectivity to support health information technology applications in rural communities; assessing the network’s sustainability and viability
- Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network Program
The purpose of the Rural Public Health Workforce Training Network Program is to expand public health capacity by supporting health care job development, training, and placement in rural and tribal communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $47,895,000 3/18/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit entities, including faith-based, community-based, tribes and tribal organizations, with demonstrated experience serving, or the capacity to serve, rural underserved populations
- Objectives: Funds to enhance capacities to address the population health needs of rural communities affected by COVID-19
- Training: Workforce training needs, including training to maintain and leverage electronic health records and ensure that health IT/telehealth systems are being optimally utilized
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Cooperative Agreements for Innovative Community Crisis Response Partnerships
The purpose of this program is to create or enhance existing mobile crisis response teams to divert adults, children, and youth experiencing mental health crises from law enforcement in high-need communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Cooperative Agreement $9,000,000 7/25/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State governments, including territories and the District of Columbia; political subdivisions of states; tribes or tribal organizations, health facilities, or programs operated by or in accordance with the Indian Health Service, or other public or private nonprofit entities
- Objectives: Funds to increase the capacity of mobile crisis response teams and collaboration to improve crisis stabilization
- Planning: Create or enhance existing mobile crisis response teams and co-responder models in partnership with first responders; provide telephonic diversion programs from 911/Public Safety Answering Points or police communications centers to 988 centers; establish dispatch functionality within 988 centers
- Support for 988 Tribal Response Cooperative Agreements
The purpose of these cooperative agreements is to provide resources to improve response to 988 contacts (including calls, chats, and texts) originating in tribal communities and/or activated by American Indians/Alaska Natives.
Program Amount Application Deadline Cooperative Agreement $17,800,000 7/18/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized Indian tribes, tribal organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations
- Objectives: Funds to: (1) ensure access to culturally competent, trained 988 crisis center support; (2) improve integration and support of 988 crisis centers, tribal nations, and tribal organizations to ensure there is navigation and follow-up care; and (3) facilitate collaborations with tribal, state and territory health providers, Urban Indian Organizations, law enforcement, and other first responders in a manner which respects tribal sovereignty
- Planning: Complete a tribal readiness or needs assessment and a comprehensive strategic plan; assist local 988 crisis centers with the development and implementation of a quality improvement plan; develop a plan for sustainability to include ongoing collaboration with the 988 centers within states and territories
- Training: Provide training for crisis call center staff that specifically addresses the needs of tribes and tribal citizens within your state or area; partner with Lifeline 988 crisis centers to develop staff response
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
- Rural Emergency Medical Communications Demonstration Project (REMCDP)*
REMCDP funds demonstration projects addressing the National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) implementation gaps and rural medical communications to improve CISA understanding of communications among emergency responders and medical personnel, especially in rural communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $1,000,000 8/9/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, states, U.S. territories, local governments, or federally-recognized tribal governments
- Objectives: Funds to advance the rural community’s interoperability capabilities to efficiently deliver medical care services using existing statewide or regional medical communications infrastructure and broadband communications
- Planning and Organization: Collaboration with state leaders and whole community representatives to address the adoption of broadband communications and support NECP activities; identification, documentation, and sharing of demonstration project lessons learned and best practices
- Training/Exercises: Development of trainings and exercises to ensure that first responders and personnel can use emergency medical communications systems and equipment effectively
- Equipment: Innovative solutions to ensure that emergency responders and medical practitioners can communicate in various geographies, operating conditions, and scenarios
- State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)
SLCGP enables DHS to make targeted cybersecurity investments in state, local, and territorial (SLT) government agencies, thus improving the security of critical infrastructure and improving the resilience of the services SLT governments provide their community.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-Based $279,873,562 12/3/2024 Amounts for each state/territory are listed in the NOFO; 30% cost share requirement; 20% cost share for multi-entity projects Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and territorial State Administrative Agencies (SAAs)
- Objectives: Funds to develop appropriate governance structures to improve capabilities to respond to cybersecurity incidents and ensure continuity of operations; understand current SLT government cybersecurity postures and areas for improvement based on continuous testing, evaluation, and structured assessments; implement security protections commensurate with risk; and ensure organization personnel are appropriately trained in cybersecurity, commensurate with responsibility
- Allowable Costs: Funds for planning, equipment, exercises, management & administration, organization, and training investments that will assist SLT governments with managing and reducing systemic cyber risk. Recipients are required to: establish a Cybersecurity Planning Committee; develop or revise a statewide Cybersecurity Plan; conduct assessment and evaluations as the basis for individual projects throughout the life of the program; and adopt key cybersecurity best practices
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)
EMPG assists state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in preparing for all hazards. The intent is to provide grant funding to assist state emergency management agencies in obtaining the resources required to support the National Preparedness Goal of a secure and resilient nation.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based $319,500,000; funding opportunities are separated by region 6/24/2024 Amounts for each state/territory are listed in the NOFO; 50% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State or territorial governments (the State Administrative Agency [SAA] or the state’ s Emergency Management Agency [EMA])
- Objectives: Funds activities that address national priorities (e.g., climate resilience, readiness) and build, sustain, and deliver core capabilities
- Planning and Organization: Developing/updating Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan, Tactical Interoperability Communications Plans, Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, Stakeholder Preparedness Review, and Continuity of Operations
- Personnel: Salary, overtime, compensatory time off, associated fringe benefits
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises
- Equipment: Cybersecurity enhancements, interoperable communications; maintenance and sustainment (e.g., upgrades, user fees, warranties); construction/renovation of communication towers
- Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)/State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)
HSGP program focuses on enhancing the ability of state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments, as well as nonprofits, to prevent, protect against, and respond to terrorist attacks. These grant programs are part of a comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by DHS to help strengthen the Nation’s communities against potential terrorist attacks.
SHSP assists SLTT efforts to build, sustain, and deliver the capabilities necessary to prevent, prepare for, protect against, and respond to acts of terrorism.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based $1,008,000,000 6/24/2024 Allocations for each state/territory are listed in the NOFO; awards will be allocated based on risk and anticipated effectiveness, No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: SAAs of states/territories; SAA must pass through 80% to local units of government and 35% to Law Enforcement Terrorism Activities
- Objectives: Funds to build/sustain core capabilities; address capability gaps identified in their Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) process; implement comprehensive and coordinated approach to address enduring security needs of communities
- Planning and Organization: Develop, review, and revise THIRA, SPR, security risk management and threat mitigation plans, and Continuity of Operations plans; development of whole community partnerships; program management; intelligence analysts
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises related to Community Emergency Response Teams, intelligence, threat identification, continuity, reporting acts of terrorism, or targeted violence
- Equipment: Cybersecurity and physical security enhancements, interoperable communications; 911 call capabilities; alert and warning capabilities, and implementation of the REAL ID Act; information technology (IT); maintenance and sustainment (e.g., upgrades, user fees, warranties); emergency supplies
- Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)/Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
UASI program addresses the unique risk driven and capabilities-based planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density Urban Areas based on the capability targets identified during the Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Stakeholder Preparedness Review process.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based $553,500,000 6/24/2024 Allocations for each urban area are listed in the NOFO; awards will be allocated based on risk and anticipated effectiveness; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: SAA on behalf of eligible areas listed in the NOFO; SAA must pass through 80% to local units of government in the designated UASI
- Objectives: Funds to build/sustain core capabilities; continuity of operations; cybersecurity enhancements; law enforcement/terrorism prevention; DHS national priorities
- Planning and Organization: Development, review, and revision of THIRA, SPR, and Continuity of Operations plans, development of whole community partnerships; program management; intelligence analysts
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises related to emergency communications, special events
- Equipment: Cybersecurity enhancements, interoperable communications; 911 call capabilities; alert and warning capabilities, and implementation of the REAL ID Act; IT; maintenance and sustainment (e.g., upgrades, user fees, warranties); emergency supplies; communication towers
- Homeland Security Grant Program/Operation Stonegarden (OPSG)
OPSG supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among local, tribal, territorial, state, and federal law enforcement agencies in a joint mission to secure the United States’ borders along routes of ingress from international borders. This includes travel corridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with international water borders.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $81,000,000 6/24/2024 States eligible to apply are listed in the NOFO; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: SAA on behalf of selected OPSG applicant; SAA must pass through 97.5% to selected local units of government
- Objectives: Funds support to U.S. border security
- Personnel: 50% cap
- Planning and Organization: Coordination among jurisdictions, disciplines, various levels of governments (e.g., travel, per diem, overtime)
- Equipment: Emergency equipment and vehicles, data systems
- Intercity Bus Security Grant Program (IBSGP)
IBSGP provides funding to intercity bus companies to protect critical surface transportation infrastructure and the traveling public from acts of terrorism.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $1,800,000 6/24/2024 Eligible applicants must complete a vulnerability assessment and develop a security plan, 50% match is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Private operators providing intercity over-the-road bus transportation
- Objectives: Building and sustaining core capabilities; addressing and closing gaps identified in agency vulnerability assessments and security plans; continuous engagement in a process of emergency related planning, exercises, and training; cybersecurity enhancements
- Planning and Organization: Developing/enhancing security plans and protocols
- Training/Exercises: Basic security awareness; active shooter/attacker; preparedness training
- Equipment: Risk remediation and infrastructure systems; operational communications; security screening and detection equipment
- Construction and Renovation: To modify terminals, garages, and facilities. All proposed construction and renovation must undergo an EHP review
- Intercity Passenger Rail-Amtrak (IPR) Program
IPR Program provides funding to the National Passenger Railroad Corporation (Amtrak) to create a sustainable, risk-based effort to protect critical surface transportation infrastructure and the traveling public from acts of terrorism and to increase the resilience of the Amtrak rail system.
Program Amount Application Deadline Cooperative Agreement between FEMA and Amtrak $9,000,000 6/24/2024 All funds are awarded to Amtrak; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
- Objectives: Funds transportation infrastructure security activities and the strengthening of governance integration for the Amtrak System; protection of high-risk, high-consequence underwater and underground rail assets; planning; use of visible, unpredictable deterrence; targeted counter-terrorism training for front-line staff; emergency preparedness drills and exercises; cybersecurity enhancement; soft targets/crowded places protection
- Planning: Security plans; protocols; education; outreach
- Training and Exercises: Continuity exercises; establish and maintain tribal Community Emergency Response Teams; awareness programs; active shooter training
- Equipment: Physical security enhancements; screening, search, and detection equipment; access controls; construction / renovation related to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, or responding to acts of terrorism
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program/Urban Area Security Initiative (NSGP-UASI)
NSGP promotes coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives as well as state and local government agencies. NSGP-UASI provides funding support for target hardening activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack and located within one of the UASI-eligible areas.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $137,250,000 6/24/2024 Select nonprofit organizations may receive funding following a competitive review process; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State Administrative Agencies (SAA) are the only eligible applicants to apply for funding. Nonprofit organizations outside of UASI-designated high-risk urban areas are eligible to apply as subapplicants to the SAA
- Objectives: Funds the building of core capabilities, cybersecurity, Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment-based developments and governance integration, enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places
- Planning: Conducting, developing, or enhancing security risk assessments; development of security plans and protocols; development or further strengthening of security assessments; emergency contingency plans; evacuation/shelter-in- place plans
- Training: Security-related training courses; active shooter trainings; response exercises
- Equipment: Facility hardening and physical security enhancements
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Warranties; repair or replacement costs; upgrades; user fees
- Construction and Renovation: With restrictions and requiring prior written approval
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program - State (NSGP-S)
NSGP promotes coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives as well as state and local government agencies. NSGP-S provides funding for nonprofit organizations located outside of UASI-designated Urban Areas.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-Based $137,250,000 6/24/2024 Eligible states receive a targeted allocation for nonprofit organizations; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State Administrative Agencies (SAA) are the only eligible applicants to apply for funding. Nonprofit organizations outside of UASI-designated high-risk urban areas are eligible to apply as subapplicants to the SAA
- Objectives: Funds the building of core capabilities, cybersecurity, Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment-based developments and governance integration, enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places
- Planning: Conducting, developing, or enhancing security risk assessments; development of security plans and protocols; development or further strengthening of security assessments; emergency contingency plans; evacuation/shelter-in- place plans
- Training: Security-related training courses; active shooter trainings; response exercises
- Equipment: Facility hardening and physical security enhancements
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Warranties; repair or replacement costs; upgrades; user fees
- Construction and Renovation: With restrictions and requiring prior written approval
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental - UASI (NSGP-NSS-U)
NSGP-NSS-U will improve and increase the physical/cyber security and facility/target hardening of nonprofit organizations’ facilities at risk of a terrorist of other extremist attack, ultimately safeguarding the lives and property of the American people.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $105,000,000 1/24/2025 Select nonprofit organizations may receive funding following a competitive review process; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State Administrative Agencies (SAA) are the only eligible applicants to apply for funding. Nonprofit organizations outside of UASI-designated high-risk urban areas are eligible to apply as subapplicants to the SAA
- Objectives: Provide funding for physical and cybersecurity enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack
- Planning: Security/emergency planning exercises; conducting risk and resilience assessments; developing security, contingency, or evacuation plans; coordinating/information sharing with fusion centers
- Training: Security-related training courses; active shooter trainings; response exercises
- Equipment: Facility hardening and physical security enhancements
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Warranties; repair or replacement costs; upgrades; user fees
- Construction and Renovation: With restrictions and requiring prior written approval
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program National Security Supplemental - State (NSGP-NSS-S)
NSGP-NSS-S will improve and increase the physical/cyber security and facility/target hardening of nonprofit organizations’ facilities at risk of a terrorist of other extremist attack, ultimately safeguarding the lives and property of the American people.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-Based $105,000,000 1/24/2025 Eligible states receive a targeted allocation for nonprofit organizations; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State Administrative Agencies (SAA) are the only eligible applicants to apply for funding. Nonprofit organizations outside of UASI-designated high-risk urban areas are eligible to apply as subapplicants to the SAA
- Objectives: Provide funding for physical and cybersecurity enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack
- Planning: Security/emergency planning exercises; conducting risk and resilience assessments; developing security, contingency, or evacuation plans; coordinating/information sharing with fusion centers
- Training: Security-related training courses; active shooter trainings; response exercises
- Equipment: Facility hardening and physical security enhancements
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Warranties; repair or replacement costs; upgrades; user fees
- Construction and Renovation: With restrictions and requiring prior written approval
- Port Security Grant Program (PSGP)
PSGP provides funding to port authorities, facility operators, and State and local agencies required to implement, provide, and enhance maritime security capabilities throughout U.S. ports.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $90,000,000 6/24/2024 Port areas will be selected for funding through a competitive review process; Recipients must provide at least 25% match either cash or in-kind contribution, for all public sector and non-governmental, nonprofit recipients; Private, for-profit recipients must provide at least 50% match either cash or in-kind contribution Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Entities subject to an Area Maritime Security Plan
- Objectives: Funds enhancements to port-wide maritime security risk management, domain awareness, improvised explosive device and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive prevention, protection, response and supporting recovery capabilities; enhancing cybersecurity; port resilience and recovery; enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places
- Planning and Organization: Risk management, resiliency and recovery activities; activities associated with new and ongoing maritime security operations
- Training/Exercises: Training and awareness campaigns; port-wide planning, training, and exercises
- Equipment: Interoperable communications for Maritime Domain Awareness
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Upgrades, user fees, warranties
- Construction and Renovation: Maritime Command and Control Centers; Interagency Operations Centers for maritime security; Port Security Emergency Communications Centers; maritime security risk mitigation facilities
- Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Program
The purpose of the Safeguarding Tomorrow RLF Program, part of FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant portfolio, is to provide funding to entities to establish a revolving loan fund from which they will provide direct loans to local governments for projects and activities that mitigate the impacts of drought, intense heat, severe storms, wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and other natural hazards.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $150,000,000 4/30/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement. Recipients must provide at least 10% cost share Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States, territories, and tribes that have received a direct major disaster declaration under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. Prior to application, eligible applicants must provide a published Intended Use Plan and project proposal list. Applicants must also have a FEMA-approved State or Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan by the application deadline
- Objectives: Funds to capitalize multiple revolving loan funds that will provide local governments most with low-interest loans to finance hazard mitigation projects in their entirety, or the non-federal cost share requirement for other FEMA HMA grants
- Planning: Development of local hazard mitigation plans; local zoning and land use planning changes; low-impact development and watershed-level planning; covering the non-federal cost share requirement for other FEMA HMA grants
- Construction: Construction or modification of natural or built infrastructure to increase resilience
- Equipment: Procurement of replacement equipment and services
- State Fire Training Systems Grant
The purpose of the State Fire Training Systems Grant is to develop, deliver, and manage educational and training programs having a national focus that are outside state and local training missions.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $1,000,000 7/10/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State Fire Training Systems as designated by state legislation or Governor's declaration as the sole State Fire Service Training Agency within a state
- Objectives: Funds promote the professional development of the fire and the emergency response community and its allied professionals and support state and local training organizations in fulfilling their obligation to career and volunteer fire and emergency services
- Training: Develop, deliver, and manage training programs
- Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP)
TSGP directly supports transportation infrastructure security activities. It is one tool in the comprehensive set of measures to strengthen the nation’s critical infrastructure against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks and other hazards.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $83,700,000 6/24/2024 Eligible transit agencies are determined based on daily unlinked passenger trips (ridership) and transit systems that serve historically eligible UASIs. Certain ferry systems are eligible to participate; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Select Transit Agencies
- Objectives: Funds public transportation systems to improve governance integration, enhance cybersecurity, use of visible, unpredictable deterrence; Top Transit Asset List risk remediation; Regional Transit Security Strategy; addressing emerging threats, including cybersecurity; and enhance the protection of soft target/crowded places
- Planning and Organization: Development and enhancement of security plans and protocols; regional communications enhancement; resources to facilitate shared situational awareness between public and private sectors
- Training/Exercises: Develop, deliver, attend, and evaluate training and exercises
- Equipment: Related to interoperable communications; maintenance and sustainment (e.g., upgrades, user fees, warranties); emergency supplies
- Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)
THSGP supports the building, sustainment, and delivery of core capabilities to enable tribes to strengthen their capacity to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from potential terrorist attacks and other hazards.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $13,500,000 6/24/2024 Selected tribes may receive funding following a competitive peer review process; No match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes
- Objectives: Strengthen capacities to prevent, prepare for, protect against, and respond to potential terrorist attacks; address capability gaps identified in Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR) process; implement comprehensive and coordinated approach to address enduring security needs of communities that crosscut the homeland security enterprise
- Personnel: 50% cap
- Planning and Organization: Prioritizing needs; updating preparedness strategies; allocating resources across stakeholder groups and levels of government; implementing standardized resource management concepts; establish emergency communication capabilities; cybersecurity planning
- Equipment: Physical security enhancements; screening, search, and detection equipment; fencing; access controls
- Training/Exercises: Continuity exercises; establish and maintain tribal Community Emergency Response Teams; awareness programs; active shooter training
- Maintenance and Sustainment: Upgrades, user fees, warranties
- Construction and Renovation: Communication towers
- Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program (TCGP)*
TCGP enables DHS to make cybersecurity investments that focus on tribal governments, thus improving the security of critical infrastructure and improving the resilience of the services tribal governments provide their communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Discretionary-Based Allocation $18,246,845 1/10/2024 Awards will be made to tribes within each of four population categories. Additional details on population categories, maximum allocation of funding per category, and project eligibility criteria are included in the funding announcement; No cost share or match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribal governments
- Objectives: Implementing or revising Cybersecurity Plans, priorities, and projects to reduce systemic cyber risk
- Planning and Organization: Review and revision of an approved Cybersecurity Plan or other planning activities that support the program goals and objectives and Cybersecurity Planning Committee requirements; program management; development of whole community partnerships that support the approved Cybersecurity Planning Committee; structures and mechanisms for information sharing between the public and private sector; operational support
- Equipment: Equipment to be used to address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information system owned or operated by, or on behalf of, tribes
- Training: The establishment, support, conduct, and attendance of training and/or in conjunction with other federal agency training that align to the eligible entity's approved Cybersecurity Plan, address identified performance gaps, and contribute to building capabilities to be evaluated through a formal exercise
- Emergency Operations Center Grant Program (EOCGP)
EOCGP provides funding to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, strategically located, and fully interoperable EOCs with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs.
Program Amount Application Deadline Designated $103,189,080 6/7/2024 Eligible projects are identified in the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying the 2024 DHS Appropriations Act. A non-federal contribution of 25% of total project costs is required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: SAA on behalf of state and local units of government and Federally Recognized Tribes with identified projects in the NOFO
- Objectives: Funds equipping, upgrading, and/or construction of the emergency operations center projects identified in Appendix A of the NOFO
- Construction and Renovation: Upgrading EOCs to provide fully capable facilities to ensure continuity of operations and continuity of government in major disasters or emergencies
- Equipment: Equipment integral to EOC construction and upgrades, including interoperable communications equipment and cybersecurity enhancement equipment
- Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG)
AFG supports firefighters and emergency response personnel by providing critically needed resources that equip and train emergency personnel to recognized standards, enhance safety and operational efficiencies, foster interoperability, and support community resilience.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $291,600,000 12/20/2024 Cost share is based on population Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Fire departments, nonaffiliated emergency medical service (EMS) organizations, state fire training academies, and non-federal airport and/or port authority fire or EMS organizations
- Objectives: Procurement of critically needed equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, training, and other resources necessary for protecting the public and emergency personnel from fire and related hazards
- Training: Training to support operations and safety
- Equipment: Project 25 interoperable communications equipment, protective gear, emergency vehicles, and other resources
- Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grants
The FP&S Program provides financial assistance directly to eligible fire departments, national, regional, state, local, tribal, and non-profit organizations such as academic (e.g. universities), research foundations, public safety institutes, public health, occupational health, and injury prevention institutions for fire prevention programs and firefighter health and safety research and development such as clinical studies that address behavioral, social science, and cultural research.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $36,000,000 4/12/2024 5% cost share required of non-federal cash or in-kind contributions Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Fire departments operating in any of the 56 states and territories; federally recognized tribes; and national, regional, state, local, tribal and nonprofit interest organizations recognized for their experience and expertise in fire prevention and safety programs and activities
- Objectives: Fulfill fire prevention education and training, fire code enforcement, fire/arson investigation, firefighter safety and health programming, prevention efforts, and research and development
- Training: Educate or train personnel in the area of public education
- Equipment: Arson investigation equipment, surveillance equipment, and media equipment
- Personnel: Personnel costs associated with fire & arson investigation
- Research and Development: Projects that result in outcomes that can enhance safety of firefighter activities, including the development of products to enhance firefighter situational awareness and effectiveness
- Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant
The SAFER Program provides funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to assist in increasing the number of firefighters to help communities meet industry minimum standards and attain 24-hour staffing to provide adequate fire protection from fire and fire-related hazards, and to fulfill traditional missions of fire departments.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $360,000,000 4/12/2024 No cost share or matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Fire departments operating in any of the 50 states, as well as fire departments in the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, federally recognized tribes
- Objectives: Funds to assist local fire departments with staffing and deployment capabilities to respond to emergencies and assure that communities have adequate protection from fire and fire-related hazards
- Personnel: Firefighter hiring, firefighter rehiring, retaining firefighters facing layoff, and volunteer firefighter recruitment and retention
- Training: Training that is not covered under a department's normal operating budget
- Equipment: Personal protective equipment for new firefighters
- Emergency Management Baseline Assessment Grant (EMBAG)
EMBAG helps to ensure jurisdictions have accredited emergency management programs and certified professionals through voluntary national-level standards and peer review assessment processes to identify the capacity and shortfalls, as well as develop a path to compliance.
Program Amount Application Deadline Cooperative Agreement $575,000 9/16/2024 Cooperative agreement. No cost share or matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education carrying out the Emergency Management Accreditation Program or the Certified Emergency Manager Program
- Objectives: Validate and revise voluntary national-level standards and peer review assessment processes for emergency preparedness and response. Facilitate the assessment of SLTT emergency management programs and professionals. Conduct outreach and training to emergency management programs and professionals participating in EMBAG-funded activities
- Planning: Funds to support assessment and accreditation or certification of emergency management programs
- Training/Exercises: Provides training needed for assessors to complete the assessment of emergency management programs
- Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
The BRIC program makes federal funds available to states, U.S territories, federally-recognized tribal governments, and local governments for hazard mitigation activities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Combination of Formula-based and Competitive $1,000,000,000; Of this total, $112,000,000 designated for states and territories; $50,000,000 designated for tribes; $112,000,000 designated for states and territories building code plus-up; $25,000,000 designated for tribal building code plus-up; and remaining $701,000,000 available for competition 2/29/2024 Cost share required, varies by applicant Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States, territories, the District of Columbia, or federally-recognized tribes that experienced a Stafford Act disaster declaration within the past seven years; applicants must have a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan at the time of application
- Objectives: Promote partnerships and enable high-impact investments to reduce risk from natural hazards with a focus on critical services and facilities, public infrastructure, public safety, public health, and communities
- Management: Delivery of technical assistance, staff salaries, travel, and other expenses
- Equipment: Purchases that directly relate to the implementation of Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs
- Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)*
HMGP provides funding to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to rebuild in a way that reduces, or mitigates, future disaster loses in their communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Sliding Scale Formula Up to $458,000,000 available Rolling Funding is based on the estimated total or aggregate cost of disaster assistance; Cost share required, up to 25% Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States, territories, localities, private nonprofit organizations, federally-recognized tribes, and authorized tribal organizations with a letter of intent sent to FEMA within 30 days of a Stafford Act disaster declaration
- Construction: Structural hazard control or protection projects; construction activities that result in protection from hazards; facility retrofitting
- Planning: Development of state or local mitigation standards
- Equipment: Property acquisition; development or improvement of warning systems
- Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) Continuing Training Grants (CTG)*
CTG supports building, sustaining, and delivering core capabilities through the development and delivery of training to achieve the National Preparedness Goal, which is “a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.”
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $5,400,000 8/16/2024 Cooperative Agreement. No cost share or matching requirement. Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, township, and special district governments, institutions of higher education, nonprofits, and federally-recognized tribal governments
- Objectives: Support the development and delivery of training curriculum to specifically support rural communities and Tribal Nations; helping them prepare for and respond to all types of disasters
- Training/Exercises: Provide curriculum offered at the awareness, performance, and management levels to first responders, emergency managers, public officials, and other personnel in underserved, at-risk communities. Address and mitigate current and emerging capability gaps and risks identified through the THIRA process, SPR, exercise, and real world after-action reports
- Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program (HSPTAP)
HSPTAP provides financial assistance to professional nonprofit organizations in activities to improve and/or build state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) capabilities to prevent, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate major events, including threats or acts of terrorism. Each one of these means and methods is aimed at achieving the National Preparedness Goal.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $400,000 9/16/2024 Cooperative agreement. No cost share or matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education
- Objectives: Develop and disseminate written products; facilitate calls, meetings, or discussions; provide and organize seminars, training, and workshops for key homeland security and emergency preparedness stakeholders nationwide
- Training/Exercises: Provide and organize seminars, training and workshops for key homeland security and emergency preparedness SLTT stakeholders nationwide (e.g., state emergency management directors, state homeland security advisors, and other professional organizations in the public and private sectors, etc.) to share information, knowledge, experiences, and practices relating to current and emerging homeland security, emergency management and public safety issues and efforts
- Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP)
The purpose of RCPGP is to build state and local capacity to manage catastrophic incidents by improving and expanding regional collaboration among emergency managers and other preparedness stakeholders for catastrophic incident preparedness.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $10,800,000 7/25/2024 No cost share or matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States containing one or more of the 100 most populous Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) or local governments located within one of the 100 most populous MSAs
- Objectives: Provide funding to address specific capability gaps based on THIRA/SPR results, with a focus on housing, community resilience, and long-term vulnerability reduction
- Personnel: Hiring, overtime, and backfill expenses
- Planning: Develop and exercise emergency operations plans to identify gaps in preparedness capabilities that affect the resilience of disadvantaged communities
- Training/Exercises: Conduct training and exercises to identify at-risk, disadvantaged communities, analyze their risks, capabilities, and needs, and address those needs to improve community-level resilience
- National Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Response System
US&R provides funding for 28 national task forces staffed and equipped to assist state and local governments conduct around-the-clock US&R operations following a Presidentially-declared major disaster or emergency under the Stafford Act. When deployed, these task forces support state and local emergency responders' efforts to locate survivors and manage recovery operations.
Program Amount Application Deadline Formula-based Cooperative Agreement $37,260,741; up to $1,600,000 per award 9/13/2022 No cost share or matching requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: FEMA-designated US&R Task Force Sponsoring Agencies as listed in the NOFO
- Objectives: Provide funding to train and exercise National US&R Response System personnel to safely perform assigned duties; acquire and maintain equipment, including lease of space for offices, training facilities, or storage of vehicles and equipment; provide staffing resources to support readiness and standby activities
- Construction: Communication towers, modification or renovation of existing buildings, structures, and facilities, or new construction; allowed after approval through the FEMA Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation review process
- Equipment: Communication equipment as identified in the FEMA Equipment Cache List
Science & Technology Directorate
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) 2.1
The SBIR program is a congressionally mandated small business set-aside designed to stimulate technological innovation and foster small business and private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal research and development.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Phase I typically funds up to $150,000 for five months; Phase II typically funds up to $1,000,000 for 24 months; Phase III awards are typically unlimited 1/17/2023 Each grant proposal will be evaluated on relevance of the specific concept as it relates to SBIR topics Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Small businesses; opportunities to partner with state and local public safety agencies
- Objectives: Funds research to develop new processes, products, and technologies in support of the missions of the U.S. Government
- Research and Development: Consists of topics relevant to Accurate and Real-time Hardware-assisted Detection of Cyber Attacks; Air Cargo Manifest Analysis to Aid Screeners; First Responder Credentialing; Machine Learning Based Integration of Alarm Resolution Sensors; Mission Critical Services Server-to-Server Communication, voice communications, 3GPP-Standards; Reduced Order Modeling of Critical Infrastructure Protect Surfaces; and Theoretical Classification Methodologies to Enable Detection with Predicted Signatures
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
- National Tribal Broadband Grant (NTBG)
The purpose of the NTBG is to improve the quality of life, spur economic development and commercial activity, create opportunities for self-employment, enhance educational resources and remote learning opportunities, and meet emergency and law enforcement needs by bringing broadband services to Native American communities that lack them.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $2,700,000 11/17/2022 Applications will be scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes
- Objectives: Provides funds for feasibility studies to assist tribes in making informed decisions regarding deployment or expansion of broadband in their communities
- Personnel: Funds to hire consultants to perform feasibility studies for deployment or expansion of high-speed internet (broadband) transmitted through digital subscriber line, cable modem, fiber, wireless, satellite and broadband over power lines; personnel to provide project oversight and management
- Planning: Assessments of the current broadband services, that are available to an applicant's community; engineering assessments of new or expanded broadband services; cost estimates for building or expanding a broadband network; determinations of the transmission medium(s) that will be employed; identifications of potential funding for the network; and considerations of financial and practical risks associated with developing a broadband network
Bureau of Land Management
- FY24 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)/Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Colorado (CO) Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program
FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Colorado Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program works with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities through coordination, reducing the amount of hazardous fuels, and furthering the education of landowners about wildfire prevention and mitigation.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $999,000 4/19/2024 No cost share or match requirement. Additional selection information may be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city/township and special district governments; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; tribes; nonprofits
- Objectives: Address the effects of climate change by working to create resilient landscapes and communities, create jobs, and help further conservation and safe efforts by providing an opportunity to support planning and implementation of hazardous fuels reduction projects in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas and education and outreach programs that help create fire adapted communities and resilient landscapes
- Planning: Conduct Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP)s, community wildfire assessments and other planning activities
- FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Montana/Dakotas (MT/DAK) Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program
FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management MT/DAK Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program works with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $11,000,000 3/18/2024 Applications will be scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city/township and special district governments; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; tribes; nonprofits
- Objectives: Accomplish fuels management activities on federal and non-federal land; develop and implement fire education, training, and/or community action plans/programs; conduct Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs), community wildfire assessments, and planning activities
- Planning: Conducting CWPPs and other planning activities
- FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Nevada Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program
FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Nevada Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program works with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $16,705,015 4/12/2024 No cost share or match requirement. Additional selection information may be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city/township, special district and federally recognized tribal governments; independent school districts; private, public and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits
- Objectives: Address the effects of climate change by working to create resilient landscapes and communities, create jobs, and help further conservation and restoration efforts by providing an opportunity to support planning and implementation of hazardous fuels reduction projects in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas and education and outreach programs that help create fire adapted communities and resilient landscapes
- Planning: Conduct CWPPs, community wildfire assessments and other planning activities
- FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management New Mexico Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program
FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management New Mexico Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program works partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $2,000,000 3/27/2024 No cost share or match requirement. Additional selection information may be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city/township and special district governments; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; tribes; nonprofits
- Objectives: Accomplish fuels management activities on federal and non-federal land; develop and implement fire education, training, and/or community action plans/programs; conduct CWPPs, community wildfire assessments, and planning activities
- Planning: Conducting CWPPs and other planning activities
- FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Utah Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program
The FY24 IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Utah Fuels Management and Community Fire Assistance Program works with partner organizations to assist with fuels management and community fire assistance program activities to reduce the risk and impact of catastrophic wildfires to local communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $500,000 4/19/2024 No cost share or match requirement. Additional selection information may be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city/township, special district and federally recognized tribal governments; independent school districts; private, public and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits
- Objectives: Address the effects of climate change by working to create resilient landscapes and communities, create jobs, and help further conservation and restoration efforts by providing an opportunity to support planning and implementation of hazardous fuels reduction projects in WUI areas and education and outreach programs that help create fire adapted communities and resilient landscapes
- Planning: Conduct CWPPs, community wildfire assessments and planning activities
Office of Insular Affairs
- Technical Assistance Program (TAP)
TAP provides funding for short-term, non-capital projects. Priorities include: climate change, energy production, natural and cultural resources, youth programs, health initiatives and health IT systems, invasive species management, accountability, financial management, economic development, education, management control initiatives, disaster assistance, capacity building, public safety/emergencies, and information technology.
Program Amount Application Deadline Allocation Method $22,300,000 3/17/2023 Applications will be scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Non-federal entities such as local government agencies and institutions of higher education in seven insular areas, as listed in the NOFO
- Objectives: Provides funding for short-term projects intended to meet the immediate needs of the insular areas
- Allowable Costs: Activities in support of public safety and emergencies; disaster assistance; health initiatives and health IT systems, and information technology
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
- Community Policing Development (CPD) Microgrants
CPD Microgrants funds are used to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies by providing guidance on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $5,000,000 5/14/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Local, state, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies
- Objectives: Funds are used to advance crime fighting, community engagement, problem solving, or organizational changes to support community policing in one of five engagement areas: community violence intervention, officer recruitment and retention, hate crimes and domestic extremism, underserved populations, and building trust and legitimacy with the community
- Personnel: Civilian staff and fringe benefits
- Training: Develop and deliver training; travel-related costs
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS): Purpose Area #1 Public Safety and Community Policing
CTAS seeks to improve public safety and victim services in tribal communities and aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Purpose Area #1 provides funding to expand the implementation of community policing, hire or re-hire career law enforcement officers and Village Public Safety Officers, and meet the most serious needs of law enforcement in tribal nations.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $29,000,000 3/18/2025 Applications will be scored based on criteria in the program materials Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes or tribal consortiums
- Objectives: Provides funding to increase the capacity of tribal law enforcement agencies and implement or enhance community policing strategies. Increase the capacity of tribal law enforcement agencies through prevention strategies, crime control and improved criminal investigations
- Planning: Strategic planning activities related to community policing
- Personnel: Salaries and fringe benefits; overtime
- Training: Basic, comprehensive, specialized law enforcement, and community policing training
- Equipment: Standard issue equipment; body-worn cameras; police vehicles; and technology such as computer hardware and software, mobile data terminals, radios, communication systems, and Murdered and Missing Indigenous Persons databases
- Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS): Purpose Area #4 Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program
CTAS seeks to improve public safety and victim services in tribal communities and aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety and victimization. Purpose Area #4 provides funding to strengthen tribal justice system capacity by addressing physical infrastructure needs.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $9,000,000 3/18/2025 Applications will be scored based on criteria in the program materials Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes or tribal consortiums
- Objectives: Provides funding to renovate, expand, or replace existing tribal justice-related facilities or build new permanent tribal justice-related facilities. Facility types supported by this program include police departments, courts, detention centers, multipurpose justice centers (including police departments, courts, and/or corrections), transitional living facilities, correctional alternative or treatment facilities, and domestic violence shelters/safe homes.
- Construction: Renovating, expanding, or replacing existing tribal justice-related facilities; building new permanent facilities where no existing permanent structures are available or sufficient to address staff/resident/detainee/inmate safety and security issues; adding capacity for recidivism reduction programming; enhancing facility service/function capacity; providing capacity, equipment, or infrastructure to support staff training, fitness, and wellness
- Equipment: Furniture, surveillance cameras, or other items affixed or integral to the facility
- COPS Hiring Program (CHP)
CHP is designed to increase the capacity of law enforcement agencies to implement community policing strategies that strengthen partnerships for safer communities and enhance law enforcement’s capacity to prevent, solve, and control crime through funding for additional officers.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $156,600,000 6/6/2024 Minimum 25% cost share required, but may be waived; applications are scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, township, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies with primary law enforcement authority
- Objectives: Provides funding to hire and re-hire career law enforcement officers in order to increase community policing capacities and support crime prevention efforts
- Personnel: Law enforcement officers approved full-time, entry-level salaries and fringe benefits of newly hired or rehired sworn career law enforcement officers hired or rehired on or after the award start date
- FY24 Tribal Resources Grant Program-Technical Assistance (TRGP-TA)
TRGP-TA provides funding to support tribal law enforcement agencies through training and technical assistance efforts around community policing topics.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $300,000 5/8/2024 Cooperative agreement awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Public government agencies, federally recognized tribes, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education, and community groups
- Objectives: To support projects that allow for the identification and expansion of promising practices and produces knowledge products that follow the principals of good guidance. Specifically supporting Alaska Tribes’ law enforcement agencies with developing policies and procedures, addressing jurisdictional challenges and other needs unique to Alaska Tribes
- Personnel: Strengthen partnerships for safer communities and enhance law enforcement’s capacity to prevent, solve, and control crime through funding for personnel
- Training: Community policing and technical assistance training
- FY24 Safer Outcomes: Enhancing De-Escalation and Crisis Response Training for Law Enforcement – Support for Law Enforcement Agencies
This program seeks to promote safe outcomes during police encounters with persons in crisis through relevant training.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $7,000,000 7/23/2024 No cost share or match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Local, state, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies
- Objectives: Support projects that allow for the identification and expansion of promising practices and produces knowledge products that follow the principles of good guidance
- Equipment: Devices linked to the enhancement of the project such as virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) technology
- Personnel: Law enforcement, emergency communications and dispatch personnel, and mental health social service professionals
- Training: Training for de-escalation tactics and alternative use of force, safe responses to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, safe encounters with individuals with disabilities, participation on crisis intervention team, and referrals to community-based services and support
- Implementing Crisis Intervention Teams
This program (Implementing Crisis Intervention Teams) seeks to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies by providing guidance on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $11,500,000 5/1/2023 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Local, state, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies
- Objectives: Funds for the creation or expansion of crisis intervention teams and to embed mental and behavioral health services with law enforcement agencies so they can better respond to individuals in crisis in the community
- Equipment: Communication devices such as vehicle or portable radios for behavioral health providers; purchase or lease, including the initial outfitting, of non-patrol vehicles
- Personnel: Sworn personnel overtime
- Training: Training for personnel
- School Violence Prevention Program (SVPP)
The goal of SVPP is to improve security at schools and on school grounds through the implementation of evidence-based school safety programs and technology.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $73,000,000 6/11/2024 Minimum 25% cost share required, but may be waived; applications are scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States, units of local government, tribes, and their public agencies, including school districts, school boards, and law enforcement agencies
- Objectives: Funds for civilian personnel to serve as coordinators with local law enforcement, training for local law enforcement officers, purchase and installation of certain allowable equipment and technology, and other measures to improve school security
- Equipment: Items linked to the enhancement of the SVPP project, including communications technology, emergency call boxes, intercom or public address systems, panic and immediate alarm notification systems, two-way radios, and automated text message or email emergency alerts
- Personnel: Salaries and fringe benefits for civilian positions
Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
- Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
The Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program provides support to law enforcement, correctional officers, probation and parole, and sheriff’s departments on how to effectively partner with mental health, substance use, and community service agencies to promote public safety and ensure appropriate responses to individuals who have behavioral health conditions, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, or physical disabilities, and/or traumatic brain injuries.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $250,000 5/15/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, city, tribal, or township governments, public and state-controlled institutions of higher education with on-campus police departments, public and Indian housing authorities, tribal organizations
- Objectives: Funds to plan, develop, deploy, and evaluate a best practice crisis response and intervention training program; develop or enhance strategies for utilizing officers and other community service providers trained in delivering appropriate responses during interactions with individuals in crisis, including individuals with disabilities
- Planning: Planning and implementing other best-practice response models such as co-responder, mobile crisis or mobile response teams, case management, and 911 dispatch models using Bureau of Justice Affairs (BJA) curriculum
- Training: Creation, design, and implementation of a training program using BJA's Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program Curriculum
- Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program – State Solicitation Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Program – Local Solicitation
The JAG Program (State Solicitation and Local Solicitation) funds support all components of the criminal justice system, from community violence interventions to law enforcement accreditation, policy development and training, technologies that support transparency and information sharing, and innovative forensic technologies.
Program Amount Application Deadline for States Application Deadline for Local Government Units Formula-based JAG Program awards are calculated using violent crime data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation 10/10/2024 10/16/2024 JAG awards are based on a statutory formula in the solicitation Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State governments; local government units; federally-recognized tribes; law enforcement district; judicial enforcement district established under state law
- Objectives: Funds law enforcement; prosecution and courts; crime prevention and education; corrections and community corrections; drug treatment and enforcement; planning, evaluation, and technology improvement; crime victim and witness initiatives; mental health programs and related law enforcement and corrections programs; and implementation of state crisis intervention court proceedings and related programs
- Personnel: Technical assistance, contractual support
- Training: Develop and deliver trainings
- Equipment: Supplies, information systems for criminal justice
- Research and Development: Criminal justice-related research and evaluation activities
- Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance
The Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance program supports and assists state, local, territorial, and tribal jurisdictions in improving the criminal justice system and enhancing efforts to prevent, investigate, and respond to crime.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $3,090,000 8/5/2024 Cooperative agreement awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: For-profit organizations, Native American tribal organizations, nonprofit organizations, private institutions of higher education, public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, and small businesses. Additional information on eligibility for each Category may be found in the NOFO
- Objectives: Funds four national training and technical assistance (TTA) programs to support law enforcement and criminal justice stakeholders in Task Force Leadership, Operations and Management, Specialized Units TTA, Crime Gun Intelligence Center TTA, and Police Recruiting and Retention Among Underrepresented Groups
- Training: Delivery of TTA to local jurisdictions that support efforts to reduce violent crime, train law enforcement, and enhance community trust including improving communication and collaboration between state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies, and the communities they serve
- National Institute of Justice (NIJ) FY24 Research and Evaluation on 911, Alternative Hotlines, and Alternative Responder Models
NIJ seeks research and evaluation proposals on the ability of 911 and alternative, three-digit service numbers (e.g., 311, 211, 988) to assess public service and safety needs and respond to them safely, efficiently and effectively.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $3,000,000 4/30/2024 Specific match requirements provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States, special district, city, township, or county governments; private, public, and state institutions of higher education; public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities; tribal organizations; federally recognized tribal governments; nonprofit and for-profit organizations; small businesses
- Objectives: Conduct research and evaluation on the ability of 911 or alternative three-digit service numbers to meet the needs of public requests for governmental services safely, efficiently, effectively; the effectiveness of models that employ non-sworn first responders in partnership with, or as an alternative to, police response, and the use of new methods and technologies to support effective and equitable responses to public requests for assistance; and the impact and benefits of alternative traffic enforcement models
- Research and Evaluation: Research and evaluation in three topical areas: alternative service numbers; alternative and co-responder models; and alternative traffic enforcement policies and practices
- BJA FY24 National Public Safety Partnership- Capacity Building Grant Limited Competition Grant Solicitation
This solicitation seeks to provide funding for state and local prosecutors and local law enforcement agencies who have participated in the National Public Safety Partnership (PSP) to secure resources that will help reduce crime and increase public safety and trust in the criminal justice system.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $2,500,000 7/17/2024 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Law enforcement and local/state prosecutorial agencies who have completed two years in the PSP program and/or their three-year engagement with PSP and did not receive funding under the FY23 National Public Safety Partnership – Capacity Building Grant Limited Competition Grant
- Objectives: Enhance current programs and/or establish new programs that address the goals of the site’s strategic plan and assessment recommendations; support the analysis of data to focus resources on violent crime reduction; establish programming that enhances the local jurisdiction’s ability to prevent and respond to violent crime effectively; expand programming to strengthen the role of communities
- Training: Crime analysis capacity assessment works to identify analytical gaps and technical and training assistance (TTA) resources for personnel to enhance analyses and operations
- Preventing School Violence: BJA's Stop School Violence Program
The Stop School Violence Program is designed to improve K-12 school security by providing students and teachers with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and help prevent acts of violence and ensure a positive school climate.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Up to $2,000,000 for Category 1 applicants; up to $1,000,000 for Category 2 applicants 6/14/2022 Eligible projects are selected based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Category 1: State governments; public and state-controlled institutions of higher education. Category 2: City or township governments; county governments; units of local governments; federally-recognized tribal governments; nonprofits with a 501(c)(3) status; private institutions of higher education; independent school districts
- Objectives: Funds to increase school safety using evidence-based solutions to prevent violence against schools, staff, and students and ensure a positive school climate
- Personnel: Hiring of school support personnel and others directly supporting the prevention of school violence
- Planning: Funds to develop and operate technology solutions such as anonymous reporting systems for threats of school violence, including mobile telephone applications, hotlines, websites, or other school safety technology solutions; implement multidisciplinary behavioral threat assessment and/or intervention teams
- Training: Training for school personnel and education for students on preventing school violence, including strategies to improve a school climate; specialized training for law enforcement who work in schools and/or with school-age populations such as school resource officers and probation officers
Office for Violence Against Women (OVW)
- Grants to Improve the Criminal Justice Response (ICJR) Program
The ICJR program improves the criminal justice response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as serious violations of criminal law, and to seek safety and autonomy for victims, by requiring the coordinated involvement of the entire criminal justice system.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $23,000,000 4/30/2024 Eligible projects are awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Tribes; state and local governments; courts; domestic violence or sexual assault coalitions; and victim service providers that partner with a state, tribal government or unit of local government
- Objectives: Funds to assist state, local, and tribal governments and courts to improve the criminal justice response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking as serious violations of criminal law, and to seek safety and autonomy for victims
- Equipment: Funds to develop and install data collection and communication systems, including computerized systems
- Training: Training to use communication systems effectively to link police, prosecutors, courts, and tribal jurisdictions for the purpose of identifying and tracking protection orders and violations of protection orders, in those jurisdictions where such systems do not exist or are not fully effective
- Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant and Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant: Targeted Support for Alaska Native Tribes Special Initiative
These programs (Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant and Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction Grant: Targeted Support for Alaska Native Tribes Special Initiative) support tribes in their efforts to exercise special tribal criminal jurisdiction (STCJ) over non-Indians who commit “covered crimes” within the tribe’s jurisdictional boundaries and provide technical assistance for planning and implementing necessary changes in their criminal justice systems.
STCJ Grant Program Amount STCJ Special Initiative Grant Program Amount STCJ Grant Program Application Deadline STCJ Special Initiative Grant Program Application Deadline Competitive $6,000,000 $3,000,000 7/9/2024 7/9/2024 Eligible projects are awarded based on specific criteria in the funding announcement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- STCJ Grant Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes, governments of Indian tribes that have jurisdiction over Indian country
- STCJ Special Initiative Grant Eligible Applicants: Governments of Indian tribes or consortia of Alaska Native Tribes, whose Native villages(s) are within an Alaska Native Village Statistical Area
- Objectives: Funds to be committed to exercising STCJ to ensure that victims find safety and justice and that non-Indians who commit covered crimes within their jurisdiction are held accountable
- Planning: Strengthening tribal criminal justice systems to assist Indian tribes in exercising STCJ, including for—law enforcement; prosecution; trial and appellate courts; supervision systems; detention and corrections (including facilities maintenance, renovation, and rehabilitation); treatment, rehabilitation, and reentry programs and services; culturally appropriate services and assistance for victims and their families; and criminal codes and rules of criminal procedure, appellate procedure, and evidence
- Training: Training and technical assistance to exchange views, information, and advice about how Tribes best implement and exercise STCJ
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Tribal Transportation Program Safety Funds (TTPSF)*
TTPSF emphasizes the development of strategic transportation safety plans using a data-driven process as a means for tribes to determine how transportation safety needs will be addressed in tribal communities. Successful TTPSF projects leverage resources, encourage partnerships, result from strategic safety planning, and have the data to support the applicants’ approach in addressing the prevention and reduction of death or serious injuries in transportation-related crashes.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive Up to $23,138,400 for FY 2022; up to $23,598,400 for FY 2023; up to $24,098,400 for FY 2024; up to $24,518,400 for FY 2025; and up to $25,118,400 for FY 2026 FY 2024 applications due 1/15/2024. For FY 2025 through FY 2026, applications must be submitted between October 1 and January 15 for each respective year Applications are scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes, with opportunities for other entities to partner with tribal governments
- Objectives: Funds for projects in four eligibility categories: transportation safety plans; data assessment, improvement, and analysis activities; systemic roadway departure countermeasures; and infrastructure improvements and other defined eligible activities
- Planning: Transportation safety planning; planning integrated interoperable emergency communications equipment, operational activities, or traffic enforcement activities (including police assistance) relating to work zone safety
- Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Deployment
Saving Lives with Connectivity: Accelerating Vehicle to Everything (V2X) Deployment seeks to deliver a world-class transportation system that advances safe, efficient, and sustainable mobility choices while strengthening our nation's economy.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $40,000,000 1/17/2024 Cooperative agreement awarded based on specific criteria in the NOFO; specific match requirements can be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Non-federal domestic public sector organizations; domestic academic institutions; and private sector/other entities incorporated in the U.S.
- Objectives: Funds to deploy, operate, document, and showcase integrated, advanced roadway deployments to improve system safety, enhance traveler mobility, improve efficiency of goods movement, mitigate environmental impacts, and address disparities in transportation equity
- Planning: Develop or refine existing System Architecture Document including the communications protocols
- Equipment: Technical approaches featuring conformant and effective utilization of the 5.9 GHz ITS licensed spectrum
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
- Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program
The purpose of the CRISI program is to invest in a wide range of projects within the United States to improve railroad safety, efficiency, and reliability; mitigate congestion at both intercity passenger and freight rail chokepoints to support more efficient travel and goods movement; enhance multi-modal connections; and lead to new or substantially improved intercity passenger rail transportation corridors.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $2,478,391,050, with at least $376,035,000, or 25 percent of amounts appropriated, available for projects in rural areas; Additional information on specific set-asides can be found in the NOFO 5/28/2024 Minimum 20% match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State and local governments; private and public institutions of higher education; federally-recognized tribal governments; nonprofits; Class II or Class III railroads, Amtrak and other rail carriers
- Objectives: Funds rail safety projects such as grade crossing enhancements, rail line relocations, and deployment of railroad safety technology
- Planning: Preparation of emergency plans for communities through which hazardous materials are transported by railroad
- Training: Rail safety training and implementation of Positive Train Control systems
- Equipment: Intercity passenger rail equipment, back office systems; wayside, communications, and onboard hardware equipment; software; equipment installation; spectrum; system testing
- Federal-State Partnership for State of Good Repair (Partnership Program)
The Partnership Program aims to improve American passenger rail infrastructure to enhance rail safety, reduce the backlog of deferred maintenance for Amtrak or publicly owned or controlled railroad assets, create new opportunities for underserved communities, and invest in projects that support and spur economic growth.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $198,000,000 3/7/2022 Minimum 20% match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States; groups of states; interstate compacts; public agencies or publicly chartered authorities established by one or more states; political subdivisions of a state; Amtrak
- Objectives: Funds projects to repair, replace, or rehabilitate Qualified Railroad Assets to reduce the state of good repair backlog and improve Intercity Passenger Rail performance
- Infrastructure Upgrades: Capital projects to replace existing assets, as well as purchase of communication and signal systems
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
- Passenger Ferry Grant Program
The purpose of the Passenger Ferry Grant Program is to support capital projects to improve existing passenger ferry services, establish new ferry services, and repair and modernize ferry boats, terminals, and related facilities and equipment.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $50,100,000 7/17/2023 Specific match requirements can be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Designated recipients as defined in FTA Circular "Urbanized Area Formula Program: Program Guidance and Application Instructions", direct recipients of FTA’s Urbanized Area Formula Grants, and public entities engaged in providing public transportation passenger ferry service in urban areas that are eligible to be direct recipients
- Objectives: Funds for capital projects that support passenger ferry services that serve an urbanized area or operate between an urbanized area and non-urbanized areas
- Equipment: Purchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation of ferries, terminals, related infrastructure, and related equipment (including fare equipment and communication devices)
- Ferry Service for Rural Communities Program (FSRC)
The purpose of the FSRC is to provide funding for capital, operating, and planning expenses for ferry service to rural areas.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $216,000,000 6/17/2024 Specific match requirements can be found in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: States and territories in which eligible service is operated
- Objectives: Funds to to improve the condition and quality of existing passenger ferry services, support the establishment of new passenger ferry services, and repair and modernize ferry boats, terminals, and related facilities and equipment
- Equipment: Purchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation of ferries, terminals, related infrastructure, and related equipment (including fare equipment and communication devices)
- Planning: Net operating expenses and planning assistance
Office of the Secretary of Transportation
- Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program
The purpose of the SS4A program is to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and implementation focused on all users.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $1,261,494,000 Planning and Demonstration Grant Application Deadlines: 4/4/2024; 5/16/2024; 8/29/2024
Implementation Grant Deadline: 5/16/2024
Minimum 20% match requirement Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Metropolitan planning organizations, political subdivisions of states or territories, federally-recognized tribes, and multijurisdictional groups of the aforementioned three types of entities
- Objectives: Funds to support planning, infrastructure, behavioral, and operational initiatives to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users, including pedestrians; bicyclists; public transportation, personal conveyance, and micro mobility users; motorists; and commercial vehicle operators
- Planning: Funds to develop Action Plans; conduct supplemental planning to update existing Action Plans; design and develop activities for identified projects and strategies; and carry out projects and strategies identified in existing Action Plans
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
- Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT) Grant
This Assistance for Local Emergency Response Training (ALERT) Grant is designed to train local emergency responders to recognize and respond to rail transportation flammable liquid emergencies.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $2,000,000 1/23/25 Applications are reviewed based on requirements provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: National nonprofit fire service organizations
- Objectives: Funds for incidents involving the transportation of flammable liquids
- Training/Exercises: Funds for instructors to conduct hazardous materials response training programs; training for individuals with the responsibility to respond to accidents and incidents involving hazardous material
- Equipment: Hazmat equipment to conduct training programs, with an acquisition cost of $10,000 or less
- Community Safety Grant (CSG)
The Community Safety Grant (CSG) program provides funding for nonprofit organizations to conduct national outreach and training programs to help communities prepare and respond to accidents and incidents involving the transportation of HAZMAT.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $1,000,000 1/23/2025 Applications are reviewed based on requirements provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations who have the ability to train state and local personnel responsible for enforcing the safe transportation of HAZMAT or that can conduct national outreach and training programs to help communities prepare for and respond to accidents and incidents involving the transportation of HAZMAT
- Objectives: Funds for state and local enforcement personnel enforcing requirements for safe HAZMAT transportation. Deliverables/expected outcomes: Improve accident readiness in the communities
- Training: Funds for instructors to conduct hazardous materials response training programs; training for individuals with the responsibility to respond to accidents and incidents involving hazardous material
- Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grants – State and Territorial Solicitation HMEP Grants – Tribal Solicitation
The purpose of the HMEP grants is to ensure the safe transportation of hazardous materials by training emergency responders and funding planning activities such as commodity flow studies, tabletop exercises, and emergency response plan development.
State and Territorial Program Amount Tribal Program Amount State and Territorial Program/Tribal Program Application Deadline Competitive $27,000,000 $2,000,000 1/23/2025 Minimum 20% cost match required Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- State and Territorial Program Eligible Applicants: States and territories
- Tribal Program Eligible Applicants: Federally-recognized tribes and tribal nonprofit organizations such as intertribal consortiums
- Objectives: Funds to carry out hazardous materials planning and training activities to ensure the safe transport of hazardous materials
- Personnel: Salaries and fringe benefits for HMEP program administrators, contract support costs
- Planning: Creation and update of emergency response plans; hazard mitigation plans; planning supplies
- Training/Exercises: Tabletop exercises; HAZMAT response training; hazmat training drills; hazmat training conferences; training supplies; HAZMAT training conferences
- Equipment: Training equipment
- Pipeline Emergency Response Grants
The purpose of the Pipeline Emergency Response Grants is to ensure that trained responders will have the ability to protect nearby persons, property, and the environment from the effects of pipeline accidents or incidents involving the transportation of hazardous materials.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $3,202,331 1/23/2025 Applications are scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: State, county, and local governments
- Objectives: Funds to train individuals in areas with statutory responsibility to respond to pipeline incidents
- Planning: Pipeline planning activities
- Equipment: Purchase of training props, equipment, and supplies
- Training: Pipeline emergency response training; Pipeline Emergency Responder Initiative development and training; pipeline leak recognition training; pipeline release evacuation training; development and maintenance of pipeline training curriculum; travel to and participation in pipeline training activities
- Pipeline Safety Information Grants to Communities: Technical Assistance Grants
The purpose of the Technical Assistance Grants is to provide funding for technical assistance related to pipeline safety. The program also provides opportunities that strengthen the depth and quality of public participation in the safe operation of pipelines in and around communities.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $2,000,000; Grant awards may not exceed $100,000 4/10/2024 Applications are scored based on criteria provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: Cities, towns, villages, counties, tribes, parishes, townships, and similar governmental subdivisions, or consortiums of such subdivisions, and groups of individuals
- Objectives: Funds to local communities and groups of individuals for technical assistance relating to pipeline safety
- Allowable Costs: Individual technical assistance projects, including improvement of local pipeline emergency response capabilities; improvement of safe digging or damage prevention programs; development of pipeline safety information resources; implementation of local land use planning practices that enhance pipeline safety; community and pipeline awareness campaigns; and public participation in official proceedings pertaining to pipeline safety
- Supplemental Public Sector Training (SPST) Grant
The SPST grant is a train-the-trainer program that facilitates the training of instructors who then conduct training in hazmat response for individuals with a statutory responsibility to respond to hazmat accidents and incidents.
Program Amount Application Deadline Competitive $2,000,000 1/23/2025 Applications are reviewed based on requirements provided in the NOFO Eligible Applicants, Objectives, and Emergency Communications-Related Allowable Costs:
- Eligible Applicants: National nonprofit fire service organizations
- Objectives: Ensure that emergency responders who receive training have the ability to protect nearby persons, property, and the environment from the effects of hazardous material incidents
- Training: Funds for instructors to conduct hazardous materials response training programs; training for individuals with the responsibility to respond to accidents and incidents involving hazardous material
- Equipment: Hazmat equipment to conduct training programs
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