School Safety
In today’s environment, K-12 schools and school systems face an evolving and dynamic set of security risks and threats, ranging from acts of targeted violence to bomb threats to natural disasters. Schools also have unique needs, considerations, and challenges when it comes to safety and security. These factors can impact a school’s ability to carry out its educational obligations and provide a safe, secure, and supportive learning environment for students.
CISA’s Role
CISA, along with other organizations throughout government, law enforcement, and communities nationwide, supports K-12 schools and districts in their efforts to enhance school safety and security. CISA’s School Safety Task Force is the agency’s dedicated program established to strengthen schools’ safety and security across the country. CISA’s current and ongoing school safety efforts include the development of new programs and capacity-building products, training, and tools specific to strengthening protection and mitigation measures and capabilities at K-12 schools.
CISA resources and programs are designed to help schools prevent, protect against, and mitigate security threats, risks, and emergency situations. CISA also recognizes that each school is unique and contends with an individual set of school safety needs, considerations, priorities, and challenges. School personnel can use these resources, programs, and tools to develop an actionable and comprehensive school safety plan tailored to their specific circumstances.
Featured Content
K-12 Anonymized Threat Response Guidance
The K-12 Anonymized Threat Response Guidance provides best practices for K-12 schools and law enforcement partners to understand and implement scalable response solutions to anonymous threats of violence.
This site provides a one-stop access point for information, resources, guidance, and evidence-based practices on a range of school safety topics and threats.
K-12 Bystander Reporting Toolkit
This toolkit provides strategies K-12 institutions can use to implement and enhance safety reporting programs and encourage bystander reporting among students and school community members.
Federal School Safety Clearinghouse External Advisory Board
The Federal School Safety Clearinghouse External Advisory Board provides advice and recommendations on the development and implementation of evidence-based school safety practices of the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse.
K-12 School Security Guide Product Suite
These products are designed to provide K-12 districts and campuses with resources, tools, and strategies to improve school physical security.
Bombing Prevention Assistance for K-12 Schools
This product provides K-12 schools and districts with products, tools, and Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) strategies to protect, prevent, mitigate, and respond to bombing threats.
CISA Live! on K-12 School Safety
On February 29, CISA held a CISA Live! on LinkedIn Live on K-12 School Safety. Lindsay Burton, CISA’s Associate Director of School Safety, discussed the agency's work and resources to help the kindergarten to grade 12 community reduce their physical security risk.
School Safety Email Updates
Sign up to receive email updates on school safety-related news, events, opportunities, and resources from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Explore CISA's school safety training opportunities.
K-12 School Security Guide Training Companion
K-12 School Security Guide “Train the Trainer” Companion Course
National School Safety Summit
Explore CISA’s portfolio of services available for K-12 schools.

CISA Tabletop Exercise Packages
CISA Regions
Discover school safety publications and resources.
K-12 School Security Guide (3rd Edition) and School Security Assessment Tool
This guide provides a comprehensive doctrine and systems-based methodology to support schools in conducting vulnerability assessments and planning to implement layered physical security elements across K–12 districts and campuses.
K-12 School Security Guide Companion for School-Based Law Enforcement and School Resource Officers
This product provides an overview of how school-based law enforcement and school resource officers can support school physical security planning and implementation efforts through the key concepts and principles of the K-12 School Security Guide.
K-12 School Security Guide Companion Product for School Business Officials
This product provides an overview of how school business officials can support K-12 school physical security planning and implementation initiatives through the key concepts and principles of the K-12 School Security Guide.
Social Media Threat Guidance for School Staff and Authorities Infographic
Actionable considerations for reporting and responding to social media threats directed at school districts.
Active Shooter Preparedness Resources
These trainings and resources focus on behavioral indicators, emergency action plan creation, actions to reduce consequences, and how to quickly recover from an incident.
K-12 School Security Guide (2nd Edition) and School Security Survey
This guide provides preventive and protective measures of K-12 institutions to address the threat of gun violence in schools.
Cybersecurity for K-12 Education
This page houses cybersecurity and resilience resources for the K-12 subsector.
Priority Services
CISA offers three priority telecommunications services that enable essential personnel to communicate when networks are degraded or congested.
School Security and Resilience – ASL Translation
The “Active Shooter Preparedness: School Security and Resilience” video provides information geared towards educators, school resource officers, and school administrators who serve in important roles in safeguarding schools.
School Security and Resilience – Spanish Translation
The “Active Shooter Preparedness: School Security and Resilience” video provides information geared towards educators, school resource officers, and school administrators who serve in important roles in safeguarding schools.
School Security and Resilience – Traditional Chinese Translation
The “Active Shooter Preparedness: School Security and Resilience” video provides information geared towards educators, school resource officers, and school administrators who serve in important roles in safeguarding schools.
K-12 Active Shooter Drills and Programs Landscape Assessment
This landscape assessment provides a summary of active shooter drills and programs commonly used within K-12 schools and school districts across the United States.
Contact Us
For questions or additional information, please contact SchoolSafety@hq.dhs.gov