Identity Theft and Personal Cyber Threats
Using safe cyber practices on home and personal devices protects you and your family from cyber threats. Connecting to secure internet services, protecting all devices and logins with passwords, and checking all email and text message links for potential spam or phishing are a few of the steps every individual can take to protect themselves in the cyber space. By taking small steps every day to secure your devices, you can help prevent attacks like identity theft and malware from causing lasting damage to your personal finances and data.
CISA’s Role
CISA offers tips, strategies, and tools individuals can use to protect their personal and family networks and devices. We provide easy-to-follow steps for ensuring safe online shopping, password protection, email security, and other weak spots targeted by online attackers. CISA shares current threats and cyber attack trends to keep you up to date on cyber threats and offers many free trainings that are available to everyone.
Featured Content
Shields Up
CISA urges everyone to protect themselves online and adopt a heightened posture when it comes to cybersecurity. Every individual can take simple steps to improve their cyber security.
Holiday Online Shopping
While millions of Americans will be looking for the best deals the internet has to offer, cyber criminals will be hard at work looking to target online shopper.
More than a Password
Your password isn’t protecting you the way you think it is. Multifactor authentication (MFA) can make you, your family, and your businesses much more secure.
Related News
Discover the latest CISA cyber safety news and tips for you and your family.
Cyber Threat Resources
Use these resources to gain knowledge and guidance to protect your cyber space.
Designed to help public and private organizations defend against the rise in ransomware cases, StopRansomware is a whole-of-government approach that gives one central location for ransomware resources and alerts.
If You See Something, Say Something
Everyone has the power to stop a threat and help secure the nation. Read about how, by just reporting suspicious activity or strange behavior, you play an essential role in keeping our communities safe and secure.
Contact Us
Need CISA's help but don't know where to start?
Organizations can also report anomalous cyber activity and/or cyber incidents 24/7 to SayCISA@cisa.dhs.gov or by calling 1-844-Say-CISA (1-844-729-2472).