Central to the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC) purpose is the promotion and coordination of activities designed to ensure the highest level of public safety communications across the nation. This direct approach improves interoperability and advances long-term emergency communications initiatives. Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (SWIC) strive to enhance the response capabilities of public safety responders by coordinating and collaborating with federal, state, local, and tribal public safety agencies and non-governmental organizations.
A Nation where public safety responders can effectively communicate.
The NCSWIC, through the SWIC, promotes and implements strategies for achieving effective public safety communications by developing professional partnerships and collaborating with public safety agencies and policy makers.
What is a SWIC?
What are Emergency Communications?
What is Interoperability?
SWIC Responsibilities
- Overseeing the daily operation of the state's interoperability efforts
- Coordinating interoperability and communications projects
- Maintaining governance structures
- Assembling working groups to develop and implement key initiatives
- Updating and implementing the Statewide Communication Interoperability Plans (SCIP)
SWIC Scope of Work
- Outreach and Education
- Program Management
- Grants Coordination
- Governance
- Policy Development
- SCIP Implementation
More information on SWIC Roles and Responsibilities.
Information and Reports
NCSWIC Charter (.pdf, 398.08 KB)
The NCSWIC Charter outlines the mission, goals, objectives, membership, and operating procedures of NCSWIC.
NCSWIC Fact Sheet (.pdf, 454.07 KB)
The Fact Sheet provides an overview of NCSWIC's history, membership, goals, and accomplishments.
2023 NCSWIC Strategic Plan (.pdf, 1.38 MB)
Describes NCSWIC’s critical, mid-range plan for achieving defined goals and initiatives.
2022 NCSWIC Annual Summary (.pdf, 542.37 KB)
This year in review document showcases NCSWIC’s recent successes and achievements.
Supporting and Leveraging Your SWIC (.pdf, 770.66 KB)
This fact sheet illustrates how to support and leverage the Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC).
SWIC Executive Briefing (.pdf, 637.57 KB)
The Statewide Interoperability Executive Briefing can be used to explain the value of the SWIC role to decision makers and other key players.
Emergency Communications Advisory Group White Paper (.pdf, 153.92 KB)
CISA supports a number of emergency communications advisory groups. The Emergency Communications Advisory Group white paper outlines the various groups and how CISA partners with each to further emergency communications nationwide.