Planning and Preparedness
Leverage Improvised Explosive Device (IED) risk landscape resources and learn about federal programs that help build and sustain bombing prevention preparedness.
Planning and implementing Counter-IED (C-IED) activities within an organization’s overall emergency management approach is key to not only maintaining security but improving it. By utilizing the following tools, security planners will better understand the IED threat landscape, be prepared to apply C-IED best practices, and leverage available federal programs to build and sustain awareness.

Request OBP Assistance
Need assistance improving your bombing prevention posture? Reach out to OBP at the email address below and we can help assess your current needs and discuss OBP resources.
Access training courses on how to plan and implement C-IED activities within an organization’s overall emergency management approach.
For more information about the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) Training Program and the types of courses we offer, visit the OBP Training page.

Bomb Threat Management Planning Course (MGT-451)

Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response Course (AWR-903)

Introduction to Bomb Threat Management Course (AWR-939)

Security and Resilience for Bombing Incidents Course (MGT-916)
Access resources to plan and implement C-IED activities within an organization’s overall emergency management approach.
Security and Resiliency Guide (SRG) and Annexes

SRG Healthcare and Public Health Facility Annex

SRG Sports Leagues and Venues Annex

What to Do: Surviving a Bombing Attack Video

How to Use the Security and Resiliency Guide
Learn more about how to use the Security and Resiliency Guide for your facility.
Access an overview of the IED risk landscape and demonstrate how to leverage federal programs to build and sustain preparedness.

Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Capability Assessments (CCA)

Explosive Blast Modeling (EBM) Assessment

Technical Resource for Incident Prevention (TRIPwire) Portal

To access more bombing prevention resources, visit the Technical Resource for Incident Prevention (TRIPwire). TRIPwire is an online, collaborative information-sharing and resource portal designed to help prevent improvised explosive device incidents.
To report suspicious activity, call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement.
For additional information about OBP resources, please contact your local Protective Security Advisor (PSA) or OBP directly at OBP@cisa.dhs.gov.
Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe. Everyone has a responsibility to protect our nation—"If You See Something, Say Something."